TRIUMF's core operations revolve around a five-year planning cycle. This is articulated in a Five-Year Plan (5YP), a report that defines TRIUMF’s mission and vision, communicates the lab’s goals and priorities, and lays out an action plan for the specified planning cycle and beyond. The 2015-2020 5YP started April 1, 2015, and ends March 31, 2020.
It is now time to proceed along the path to envisioning, developing, and sharing the next 5YP for 2020-2025. This webpage serves as the primary online resource for information about the 2020-2025 5YP development process and the various consultations with stakeholders.
Ultimately, the proposed 5YP is transmitted to the Government of Canada by the Director of TRIUMF on behalf of laboratory's member universities. It is TRIUMF's commitment that the plan be developed in a transparent, open, deliberative process that puts forward the strongest possible program for Canada under realistic resource constraints.
The Five-Year Plan 2020-25 Executive Committee and Steering Committee are accountable for the formulation and preparation of the Five-Year Plan. The Executive Committee drives the planning while the Steering Committee oversees the process.
Ultimately, the responsibility for the Five-Year Plan rests with the TRIUMF Director and the content of the plan is subject to approval by the TRIUMF Board of Management.
Update on the TRIUMF Five-Year Plan process
We are reaching out today to update you on the status of the development of TRIUMF's 5-year plan.
PPAC evaluated the proposals and submitted its report to the TRIUMF Board of Management.
In January, we summarized the high-level takeaways from the PPAC report as follows:
Preliminary high-level goals are being developed as we speak. In broad terms, they include
Reiner Kruecken
Deputy Director Research, TRIUMF