T2K and Hyper-K


T2K (Tokai to Kamioka) is a neutrino experiment designed to investigate how neutrinos change from one flavour to another as they travel (neutrino oscillations).

TRIUMF continues to cultivate Canada’s long-standing involvement with the T2K long-baseline neutrino experiment and continue development of the detector systems and electronics for the next-generation Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) neutrino detector.

how it works


An intense beam of muon neutrinos is generated at the J-PARC nuclear physics site on the East coast of Japan and directed across the country to the Super-Kamiokande neutrino detector in the mountains of western Japan.

The beam is measured once before it leaves the J-PARC site, using the near detector ND280, and again at Super-K: the change in the measured intensity and composition of the beam is used to provide information on the properties of neutrinos.


TRIUMF and T2k

Canada was the first international partner to join the T2K collaboration, and has contributed to several parts of the experiment, including beamline monitoring, construction of a new near detector for T2K, and analysis and calibration of the Super-Kamiokande detector at the far end of the experiment.

The Canadian T2K group consists of 10 scientists from five institutions (TRIUMF, University of Regina, University of Winnipeg, York University, University of Toronto).  From the initial discussions that launched the T2K collaboration in 2001, TRIUMF has been extensively involved in the design, construction, and operation of the experiment.

The Near Detector (ND280)

TRIUMF contributed the two core ND280 detector components: the Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) and the Fine-Grained Detectors, and has operated and maintained these components from the start. (TRIUMF is currently transferring these roles to other members of the collaboration.) These detectors have provided the primary data for the T2K neutrino oscillation analyses from ND280.

The Fine-Grained Detector scintillators were extruded at a facility in Richmond, B.C. and TRIUMF scientists and engineers adapted a titanium-oxide coating technology developed at the U.S. Department of Energy’s FermiLab to light-shield the scintillators, which were assembled in a TRIUMF clean room. TRIUMF also provided several pieces of common ND280 infrastructure, including the global slow controls system which monitors the status of all detector electronics and power supplies.

All TRIUMF-built components were constructed and tested at TRIUMF and shipped to the T2K experiment. ND280 was built by collaborators from 10 countries, including six Canadian participants: TRIUMF, the University of Regina, University of Toronto, York University, University of Victoria and the University of British Columbia.

Design and Data Analysis

One of TRIUMF’s key design contributions to T2K is the use of a first of its kind off-axis neutrino beamline to provide a narrower neutrino energy spectrum than an on-axis beam. The neutrino beamline is located at 2.5 degrees off centre at both J-PARC and Super-K. This provides muon neutrinos with energy peaked at the neutrino oscillation maximum in order to increase the number of possible observed oscillations.

TRIUMF and Canada T2K scientists also developed a new Super-K event reconstruction algorithm, the computational model that turns the detector’s raw data into physics results. The algorithm significantly reduces systemic uncertainties, including increasing background rejections.

TRIUMF also hosted one of the two T2K Tier-1 data storage facilities, acting as a critical back-up to data storage at T2K, and providing additional computing resources for data analysis. At its peak, TRIUMF hosted one of the largest analysis groups in the T2K collaboration and TRIUMF staff act as conveners in various aspects of the T2K collaboration.

Target Station Hot Cell Remote Handling Facility

The T2K target station’s unique TRIUMF-designed remote handling system is based on the TRIUMF ISAC Target Hall remote handling system’s design. TRIUMF’s remote handling group also built a hot cell for remotely exchanging the target and a beam monitor system for the final focus beam section upstream of the T2K target.

Servicing the target’s focusing magnetic horn and target itself is done by moving the module to the hot cell. The remote handling system was essential following the Great East Japan earthquake near J-PARC in 2011, at which time TRIUMF remote handling experts traveled to J-PARC to remotely assess possible damage to the horn focusing magnet and target set-up.

Optical Transition Radiation Monitor

In collaboration with the University of Toronto and York University, TRIUMF scientists and engineers built a unique Optical Transition Radiation (OTR) monitor to observe the profile of the proton beam at the target in an extremely high-radiation environment in which most materials melt.

Monitoring the exact angle at which the proton beam hits the target is critical to T2K’s success since it, in turn, determines the off-axis neutrino beam’s position. The proton beam must be accurately positioned to within five-one-hundredths of a degree.

The OTR monitor involves a thin titanium foil which the proton beam passes through producing transition radiation, a form of visible light. The OTR uses a series of four parabolic mirrors to carry the image from the titanium foil through the target-shielding module to a radiation-hard camera. The Canadian T2K group operates and maintains the OTR monitor.

T2K Photosensor Facility at TRIUMF

TRIUMF-T2K scientists have created a unique photomultiplier testing facility at TRIUMF to improve the accuracy of data taken by Super-K and to prepare for the Hyper-K facility.

The facility is evaluating the angular dependence of the photomultiplier tubes that line the Super-K tank and detect neutrino collisions via Cherenkov light. Does the photomultiplier’s detection sensitivity vary with the angle and direction from which a photon arrives? At present, this factor is a significant uncertainty in the T2K and SuperK experiments.

The photosensor facility contains two computer-controlled gantry arms that aim laser light at different angles and positions at the photomultiplier tubes and monitors the reflected light. The whole system is enclosed by an electromagnet to provide a controlled, uniform magnetic field and is also temperature controlled to +/- 1 degree Celsius, to characterize the temperature dependence of the laser and optical fibres.

Partners and support

Canadian participation in the T2K experiment is funded from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, TRIUMF, and Compute Canada.