Public Events


Join us in exploring a broad TRIUMF science programs, how we connect Canadian science to global initiatives, and the intrigue and operation of world-leading particle accelerator technology.

TRIUMF offers a wide variety of events throughout the year, from recurring talks and lectures to exciting community collaborations and STEM-focused programming. 

upcoming events

  • Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    International Day of Women and Girls in Science is a moment to celebrate the incredible women and girls who are shaping the future of science and innovation. At TRIUMF, we are proud to be part of a community that empowers women to lead, innovate, and break barriers in research and discovery. From groundbreaking experiments to…

saturday morning lectures

Venture to the frontiers of modern physics Saturday Morning Lectures, proudly presented by TRIUMF, UBC, and SFU! Saturday Morning Lectures is a bi-weekly lecture series for the public that explores topics in physics, chemistry, and beyond. 


Learn more


Join us for a first-hand experience of TRIUMF science, experimental facilities, and world-leading particle accelerator infrastrucutre. Follow the path of the proton from its origins bound in a hydrogen atom to its destination down the beamline and into targets and detectors. This 45-minute guided tour covers the majority of our site and traverses two of our largest research halls.

