About us

From the hunt for the smallest particles in the universe to the development of new technologies, including next-generation batteries and medical isotopes, TRIUMF is pushing the frontiers in research to advance science, medicine, and industry.


Established in 1968 in Vancouver, TRIUMF is Canada’s particle accelerator centre. The lab is a hub for discovery and innovation inspired by a half-century of ingenuity in answering nature’s most challenging questions. From the hunt for the smallest particles in our universe to research that advances the next generation of batteries or develops isotopes to diagnose and treat disease, TRIUMF drives more than scientific discovery. Powered by its complement of top talent and advanced accelerator infrastructure, TRIUMF is pushing the frontiers in isotope science and innovation, as well as technologies to address fundamental and applied problems in particle and nuclear physics, and the materials and life sciences. 


TRIUMF’s vision is for Canada to lead in science, discovery, and innovation, improving lives and building a better world.

TRIUMF’s mission is to serve as Canada’s particle accelerator centre. We advance isotope science and technology, both fundamental and applied. We collaborate across communities and disciplines, from nuclear and particle physics to the life and material sciences.  We discover and innovate, inspire and educate, creating knowledge and opportunity for all.

Our core values reflect how TRIUMF operates as one of the leading physics laboratories in the world. These values are instilled in all those who work here, and guide how the laboratory approaches our goals. 


TRIUMF’s work and research has significant impact through the creation of scientific knowledge, the enabling of national and international collaborations, the fostering of innovation and growth of the economy, and the advancement of science education and outreach. With our unique accelerator infrastructure, TRIUMF enables cutting-edge research across a multitude of disciplines. 

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Two researchers adjust cables within a rack of computing equipment


TRIUMF was founded to provide the centralized resources, tools, and expertise in pursuit of compelling science in ways that no single Canadian university could build or maintain. 

As our Canada’s leading contributor to international ‘Big Science’, TRIUMF extends the reach of our national research communities to global science. As a bridge between the academic sector and the private sector, TRIUMF helps drive Canada’s innovation engine with collaborative and joint projects.

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Two people lean in to examine a particle detector


From world-leading scientific achievements to operational excellence to innovative collaboration and design: TRIUMF does good work. 

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