Brand Kit
visual identity
Our brand identity is an expression of TRIUMF and its values, of who we are and what we believe in. Realized with input from our community, it’s our pleasure to share TRIUMF’s visual identity with you, along with the basic tool kit you need to implement it.

Using the TRIUMF Logo
The symbol and the wordmark should always appear together in all internal and external communications pieces.
Default Colour
Where possible, the logo must be featured in the default cyan blue. The only alternatives to cyan blue are black for light backgrounds, and white for dark backgrounds.
An incredible feat of engineering, TRIUMF is the proud home of the world’s largest cyclotron. The imagery of the cyclotron reflected in the logo has constituted a substantial part of TRIUMF’s visual identity since it was first used in this way going back to the laboratory’s early days.
While the literal representation of the six magnets and beamlines has persisted as a collective graphic symbol over the years, TRIUMF has grown to be much more than this visual interpretation that constituted our old logo. Over its five decades, TRIUMF has continuously evolved, pushing the frontiers of science and discovery. Our community and its scientific endeavours have developed in lockstep with this evolution – becoming even more diverse, collaborative, and innovative.
As we explored options to revitalize our visual identity, we challenged ourselves to think past, present, and future as TRIUMF celebrates a milestone fifty years of science, discovery, and innovation and looks with excitement to the next. We sought input from members of our community and took their comments to heart. With that, our explorations led us towards a modest refresh and the end result:
A simple, dynamic, and memorable symbol that honours our mighty cyclotron as an icon, yet is more idiographic to better convey how TRIUMF has enriched its capabilities and evolved to be more multifaceted over its fifty year journey. This enduring, bold, and adaptive symbol is paired with a complementary typeface, Helvetica Neue, celebrating our spirited community and the people behind our scientific excellence. We’ve further fortified our new logo with the selection of our leading colour, pure cyan, a timeless and energetic choice which has a traditional use linked to science and innovation.

Canada’s particle accelerator centre
Lastly, we recognized that our previous descriptor was a bit of a mouthful! We think our new release hits the mark, helping to concisely explain what TRIUMF does in clear language.
Please contact us for any other assets relating to TRIUMF.