TRIUMF Shipping Procedures

This page contains resources to ship materials and goods to or from TRIUMF, including procedures to be followed when importing goods to Canada. 

All forms listed below can be found on the Shipping Forms page.

General Shipping Procedures

 There are two types of shipments commonly sent out from TRIUMF:

  1. Documents
  2. All other items

All items being shipped require a TRIUMF Shipping Order Form form to be completed by the user.


These consist of printed material (letters, posters, manuals, etc.) or could be a document contained on a CD or memory stick. In general, these items are of no commercial value. When shipping documents not in paper format they should be described on courier waybills as: CD based business documents, or memory stick based business documents.

These items must be properly packaged and addressed and can be shipped directly by TRIUMF reception. Users are required to supply an account code where the charges are to be billed.

All Other Items:

There are three categories of “All Other Items”:

  1. Local Shipments (Vancouver and Lower Mainland)
  2. Domestic Shipments (Outside Vancouver but within Canada)
  3. International Shipments (Outside Canada)

Local Shipments

TRIUMF reception should only be used to ship documents. All other shipments should be routed through TRIUMF Shipping and Receiving. When available we utilize our in house TRIUMF courier service to deliver these shipments for our users at no cost to the account holder. If our in house courier services are not available we will outsource to a local courier company such as Purolator or Van City Courier and users are back charged for these costs accordingly.

Domestic Shipments

Domestic shipments other than documents should be routed through TRIUMF Shipping. A TRIUMF shipping order is required to be completed by the originator. This is to ensure the goods can be traced and insured during transit.

International Shipments

International shipments other than documents should be routed through TRIUMF shipping. This is necessary to ensure that proper export documentation is prepared for the shipment in accordance with the regulations of Canada Border Services Agency. This includes shipments originating from remote locations such as UBC or other TRIUMF vendors in Vancouver or elsewhere in the country.

It is imperative to obtain the assistance of TRIUMF shipping when exporting items (other than documents). TRIUMF’s Logistics team works very closely with our Customs Brokers who will provide the expertise to ensure all export documentation is reviewed and completed accurately. Failure to do so can cause delays and penalties that will adversely affect TRIUMF and our ability to ship internationally.

In summary – any item other than business documents should be shipped using the TRIUMF Shipping Department. When in doubt, please contact TRIUMF’s Logistics team

Importing Goods to Canada

For those TRIUMF users shipping goods to TRIUMF from outside of Canada for use in experiments and who then plan to later export the goods back to their home institutions outside of Canada, we have compiled this information section.

The material you are shipping may qualify to enter Canada on a Scientific Expeditions Remission Order (SERO), which will permit your goods to enter the country duty free and tax (GST) free.


In order to import goods from outside of Canada to TRIUMF and qualify for a SERO and duty free and tax (GST) free status, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The “expedition” must be conducted or sponsored by a scientific or cultural organization, an institution of learning or a foreign government.
  2. The participants in which must be non-residents of Canada.
  3. The sponsors of which have undertaken to make available to the Government of Canada all information obtained in Canada as a result of the expedition’s field studies.
  4. A certificate statement letter, endorsed by an authorized representative of the expedition, must be presented and kept on record.

Steps for Importing

If the equipment you plan to import to TRIUMF meet the above conditions proceed to the next step. If you are not sure, please  contact us and we will assess your situation and determine the best method to import your goods into Canada.

  1. You will need to write a Commercial Invoice.  
  2. If your organization does NOT have a business number, you will need to complete the Business Number Application form.
  3. You will need to complete a Short Term Power of Attorney, which is only valid for one shipment. These forms authorize TRIUMF’s Canadian customs broker, Thompson, Aher & Co. Ltd. to clear your goods into Canada on your behalf.
  4. You will need to write an endorsed certificate statement letter on your institution’s letterhead stating the goods you are importing into Canada meet the criteria to quality for the Scientific Expeditions Remission Order (SERO) as noted above.
  5. Once you have completed these steps forward this information to the above noted contacts.
  6. When you ship your goods please notify us with the name of the carrier and the waybill/tracking number. With this information we will be able to track your shipment and clear the goods into Canada without delay.

Other Factors

Other important factors regarding Scientific Expeditions Remission Orders that users must keep in mind:

  1. The maximum length of time the goods may remain in Canada is 18 months, although it should be noted, we may be able to request an extension after that time from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). There is no guarantee that your request will be granted. If your request is denied and you don’t export your goods out of Canada you will be required to pay the applicable duties and taxes.
  2. Users will have to be cautioned not to remove goods from TRIUMF/Canada even though the goods belong to them, without the knowledge of TRIUMF and Thompson, Ahern & Co. Ltd. beforehand.