Experimenter Portal


This page includes resources for all scientific researchers, experimenters, users, and other visiting individuals or groups (collectively, TRIUMF  ‘Visitors’).

All Visitors are associated with a TRIUMF Host: a member of the TRIUMF community that acts as the liaison and primary point of contact for general communications, questions, etc. Visitors and Hosts interact with and use the TRIUMF Visitor Management System to authorize the incoming Visitor and prepare for the Visitor’s arrival to TRIUMF

All new and returning Visitors: Please review and follow the below steps for Visitor access to TRIUMF facilities and experiments. Contact your Host with any outstanding questions.


Reminder:  The Beam Request Application is generally open in January and July of each year. An email will be sent out from sciencediv@triumf.ca to the experiment program mailing lists when the Beam Request Application is open. 

View Current Beam Schedule

before your visit

Please review each of the subsections below before your visit to TRIUMF. 

Note that Visitor Authorization (1) will provide prospective Visitors with a TRIUMF ‘TRIDENT ID’: a digital profile with an associated personal TRIUMF email that must be used to access the subsequent platforms and resources for training, site access, and many of the other procedures listed below. 

during your visit

Please refer to the following resources during your stay at TRIUMF.

after your visit

Please refer to the following resources for the procedure for leaving TRIUMF.

frequently asked questions


Visit the Planning Experiments page to learn more about:

  • How to submit a proposal for a TRIUMF experiment
  • Experimental program dates and schedules
  • Requesting beam time at TRIUMF
  • Additional experimental planning resources
Planning Experiments

Additional Experimenter/User Resources

Beam resources

TRIUMF Isotope Search

A database of information on radioactive ion beam yields from ISAC and ARIEL, targets, and simulated production rates.

OLIS Web Tool

Information on stable ion beams from the ISAC Off-Line Ion Source facility.

ISAC Yield Database (legacy)

Legacy data on radioactive ion beam yields from ISAC targets

TRIUMF Users Group (TUG)

The TRIUMF Users Group (TUG) is an organization for TRIUMF users who have a special interest in the use of the lab’s infrastructure and facilities for the purpose of conducting research, developing technology, utilizing resources (e.g., experimental facilities, access to rare isotope beams, etc.) and/or interacting with personnel. In addition, TUG is an entity responsive to the representations of its members for offering advice and counsel to TRIUMF management on operating policy and facilities.

Go to TUG