Planning Experiments


This page contains resources for members of the scientific research community who are seeking to plan an experiment at TRIUMF, review upcoming beam schedules, and access additional resources related to planning experiments.

TRIUMF has four Experiments Evaluation Committees (EECs) which convene as indicated below:

  • Life Sciences Projects Evaluation Committee (LSPEC) meets once a year in April (usually)
  • Nuclear Physics Experiments Evaluation Committee (NP-EEC) meets twice a year in June and January (usually)
  • Molecular & Materials Science Experiments Evaluation Committee (MMS-EEC) meets twice a year in June and January (usually)
  • Particle Physics Experiments Evaluation Committee (PP-EEC) meets once a year in March/April (usually)

The purpose of these committees is to review new research proposals which are presented at the meetings and advise TRIUMF’s management on the feasibility of research proposals and the allocation of beam time in appropriate priority sequence. They also review the progress of ongoing experiments. Committee members are comprised of members from both national and international scientific communities, and are selected based on their expertise in various areas, including:

  • nuclear and particle physics
  • nuclear astrophysics
  • muon spin rotation and condensed matter physics
  • chemistry
  • life sciences
  • nuclear medicine

Two months prior to each scheduled meeting, TRIUMF issues a call for submissions, with a deadline set for submission, to all TRIUMF users representing national and international scientists.

Each spokesperson must submit a proposal containing:

  • a concise summary of the scientific problem under investigation, with appropriate literature references
  • clear justification for the proposed experiment
  • the names of collaborators
  • support required from TRIUMF
  • a description of the experimental techniques to be used, naming the facility required
  • an analysis of beam time requirements including, for example, a prioritized list of samples
  • safety considerations
  • an indication of start-up dates for preparation and start of data acquisition

Each proposal is then assigned for a detailed review to two committee members with relevant expertise and the proposals are evaluated solely on their scientific merit.

All accepted proposals and progress reports are distributed to the TRIUMF Library, Publications Office, and Operations group after the meeting, as well as to our member universities with the report that was generated for the specific meeting.

Other resources:


We are no longer accepting beam requests for Beam Schedule 145 (October 4th – December 21, 2023).


After an experiment has been approved by the Experiments Evaluation Committee (EEC), spokespersons will be able to submit a beam request in order to receive beam time on a given Beam Schedule.

The Beam Request Application is usually open in January and July of each year. An email will be sent out from to the experiment program mailing lists when the Beam Request Application is open. If you would like to be on the mailing list for Nuclear or Particle Physics, you can subscribe at For MMS experiments, you can subscribe at

Beam Requests are to be submitted by spokespersons for a given experiment (only spokespersons have access to submit beam requests for the their experiments). Spokespersons will need to login to the Beam Request Application with their TRIUMF login. When a spokesperson logs onto the Beam Request Application they will see a list of the experiments they are the spokesperson for, they should click on “place a new request” beside the experiment number they would like to request beam for and follow the prompts. With this application spokespersons will be able to edit and delete their beam requests. If another spokesperson has already made the request they will be able to view, edit, and delete it, so please communicate with your fellow spokespersons. Multiple requests can be submitted for a single experiment, in order to handle cases where there are varying beam requirements at different times during the schedule.

For further information, assistance, or problem reporting, please contact the Physical Sciences Division Administrative Assistant via email.

Submit your beam requests at either of these websites:


Most recent NP-EEC Meeting: January 27-29, 2025

NP-EEC Committee Members:

Dr. M. Aliotta (Marialuisa) – Chair


Dr. C. Ruiz (Chris) – Ex-Officio


Dr. I. Moore (Iain) – Secretary

Dr. H. Crawford (Heather)
Dr. J. Holt (Jason)
Dr. D. Melconian (Dan)  
Dr. R. Reifarth (René)
Dr. A. Spyrou (Artemis)
Dr. A.R. Young (Albert)  
Dr. A. Di Pietro (Alessia)  

Dr. G. Hagen (Gaute)

View Experiments (Committee Only)

NP-EEC Submission Guidelines:

Ahead of the submission deadline, Spokespersons must request an experiment number from the Physical Sciences Division office by a specified date, typically 1-2 weeks before proposals are due. Requests received after that time will not be processed.

The deadline to request an experiment number for the upcoming NP-EEC is Monday, December 2nd, 2024 at 16:00 PST.

The deadline to submit a new or continuing proposal for the upcoming NP-EEC is Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 at 23:59 PST.


Review NP-EEC Submission Process
Call for NP-EEC Submissions (PDF)


Most recent MMS-EEC Meeting: January 20-21, 2025

MMS-EEC Committee Members:

Dr. T. Imai (Takashi) – Chair
Dr. I. McKenzie (Iain) – Secretary
Dr. A. Bianchi (Andrea)
Dr. D. Bryce (David)
Dr. J. Rau (Jeffrey)
Dr. R. De Renzi (Roberto)
Dr. J. Quilliam (Jeff)
View Experiments (Committee Only)

MMS-EEC Submission Guidelines:

Ahead of the submission deadline, Spokespersons must request an experiment number from the Physical Sciences Division office by a specified date, typically 1-2 weeks before proposals are due. Requests received after that time will not be processed.

The deadline to request an experiment number for the upcoming NP-EEC is Monday, December 2nd, 2024 at 16:00 PST.

The deadline to submit a new or continuing proposal for the upcoming NP-EEC is Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 at 23:59 PST.


Review MMS-EEC Submission Process
Call for MMS-EEC Submissions (PDF)


Most recent PP-EEC Meeting: January 20-21, 2025

PP-EEC Committee Members:

Dr. D. Harris (Deborah) – Chair
Dr. D.McKeen (David) -Secretary
Dr. C. Sfienti (Concettina)
Dr. E. Novitski (Elise)
Dr. J.Friedrich (Jan)
Dr. M. Fujiwara (Makoto)
Dr. O. Stelzer (Oliver)
View Experiments (Committee Only)

PP-EEC Submission Guidelines

Ahead of the submission deadline, Spokespersons must request an experiment number from the Physical Sciences Division office by a specified date, typically 1-2 weeks before proposals are due. Requests received after that time will not be processed.

The deadline to request an experiment number for the upcoming NP-EEC is Monday, December 2nd, 2024 at 16:00 PST.

The deadline to submit a new or continuing proposal for the upcoming NP-EEC is Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 at 23:59 PST.


Call for PP-EEC Submissions (PDF)


Most recent LSPEC Meeting: June 20-21, 2024


Dr. A. Goertzen (Andrew)
Chair / Président
Dr. P. Schaffer (Paul)
Ex-Officio / Membre d’office
Dr. C. Hoehr (Cornelia)
Interim Ex-Officio / Intérimaire Membre d’office
Dr. M. Trinczek (Michael)
Secretary / Secrétaire
Dr. A. Abrunhosa (Antero)
Member / Membre
Dr. E. Dadachova (Ekaterina)
Member / Membre
Dr. V. Kotagal (Vikas)
Member / Membre
Dr. R. Abergel (Rebecca)
Member / Membre
View Experiments (Committee Only)

LSPEC Submission Guidelines

Ahead of the submission deadline, Spokespersons who are submitting a new research proposal must request an experiment number from the Life Sciences Division office before proposals are due. Requests received after that time will not be processed.

The deadline to submit a new research proposal or progress report for the upcoming LSPEC Meeting is Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 at 23:59 PST.

For complete details on how to submit a proposal, please click the button below.


Review LSPEC Submission Process
Call for LSPEC Submissions (PDF)