LSPEC Submission Process
Note: To avoid bugs and error messages while using the Experiments Database and Science Applications, please use the latest version of your preferred browser, but please note that the recommended browser is Mozilla Firefox (and Microsoft Internet Explorer is not supported by some of the applications).
Please review the new LSPEC Terms of Reference
Submission Process for New Research Proposals and Progress Reports
The Life Sciences Projects Evaluation Committee (LSPEC) reviews all new research proposals and the progress of ongoing experiments (projects) which are presented at a two-day meeting held once a year at TRIUMF. The committee advises TRIUMF’s management on the feasibility of each experiment, their priority within the Division, and the allocation of resources.
To submit your experiment for evaluation, follow the set of instructions as laid out below. You are either submitting a ‘New Research Proposal’ that has yet to be reviewed at an LSPEC Meeting, or a ‘Progress Report’ for an experiment that was reviewed at the last LSPEC Meeting. Submit only one Submission Form, Detailed Statement, and PowerPoint Presentation per experiment.
Step 1: Request an Experiment Number (applies only to New Research Proposals)
- Request an L number from lifesciences@triumf.ca.
- Include in your email the following:
- The name(s) and email(s) of the S pokesperson(s).
- The title of your experiment.
- If you are a new experimenter to TRIUMF you will need to sign up. To do so, please contact the Life Sciences Division’s office at lifesciences@triumf.ca and request a TRIUMF ID (TRIDENT) login and provide the name of your TRIUMF contact person. We will complete an online visitor form for you. Next, you will receive an email from mis@triumf.ca that will have your TRIDENT login and a link to a form that will need to be completed. Please note that you will be granted Electronic Access Only. Your main point of contact will be either your supervisor, collaborator, or the Life Sciences Administrative Assistant.
Step 2: Request Access to LSPEC 2024 on MS Teams
Life Sciences has created an MS Teams site titled “LSPEC 2024.” All spokespersons will receive an invitation to join. In this MS Team, each experiment is assigned a folder called a channel. Spokespersons are responsible for uploading their entire LSPEC submission to their experiment’s assigned channel.
- If you have not already received an email confirming your membership to LSPEC 2024 on MS Teams, then send an email to lifesciences@triumf.ca with the subject line: LSPEC 2024 Membership Request.
MS Teams is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. For LSPEC, we use it to share files and communicate with Spokespersons and LSPEC members. If you do not have MS Teams, you can download it from: https://teams.microsoft.com/downloads. To learn more about MS Teams, visit TRIUMF’s Computing Webpage.
If you cannot access MS Teams or you have any technical issues, then please submit a helpdesk ticket. You will need a TRIDENT account to submit a ticket but if you do not have one, then use the login credentials below and select Home > Create a Ticket > General PC, Windows, and TRWIN Domain Support:
Username: guest
Password: triumf
Step 3: Complete the LSPEC Submission Form
- Download the LSPEC Submission Form.
- Complete the form in its entirety.
- Upload it to your experiment’s channel in LSPEC 2024 on MS Teams
Step 4: Templates
There are two types of Detailed Statements: “New Research Proposal” which is for experiments that have never been reviewed at a previous LSPEC Meeting and “Progress Report” which is for experiments that were reviewed at a previous LSPEC Meeting (this includes experiments that became either inactive or closed since LSPEC 2023). You only need to submit one Detailed Statement per experiment.
- Select and complete only one of the Detailed Statement templates as listed below:
- For your PowerPoint Presentation, use the Slide Deck Template (TRIUMF).
- Save each template in their original file format.
Step 5: Upload your Submission
Spokespersons are responsible for uploading their entire LSPEC submission to their experiment’s assigned channel.
- Upload your LSPEC Submission Form, Detailed Statement, Presentation and any supporting documents to your experiment’s channel in LSPEC 2024 on MS Teams.
Important Information:
Only spokespersons will be permitted to submit (upload) and edit Submission Forms, Detailed Statements, Presentations, and any other documents to their experiment’s channel on MS Teams. Spokepspersons will be able to edit their documents until the deadline.
The Spokesperson or another member of the experiment’s team will have to make a presentation to LSPEC using the PowerPoint template provided above. Presentations are ~8 to 12 minutes long. You will be assigned a time. The slides for your presentation will need to be submitted to the Life Sciences Division at least 48 hours before the meeting starts but can be submitted earlier. If you do not submit your presentation on or before this deadline, then you will be responsible for bringing a USB thumb drive or flash drive of your presentation the day of the meeting and uploading it to the meeting room’s computer.
Please note that access to LSPEC 2024 will close for submissions on April 30, 2024 at 23:59:59. PowerPoint presentations submitted after that time and up to June 17th, 2024 can be emailed to lifesciences@triumf.ca.
Forms and templates
All LSPEC submission forms and templates are available below. A TRIUMF account is required to download them. For off-site access, a VPN is required.