NP-EEC Submission Process
Note: To avoid bugs and error messages while using the Experiments Database and Science Applications, please use the latest version of your preferred browser, but please note that the recommended browser is Mozilla Firefox (and Microsoft Internet Explorer is not supported by some of the applications).
Three-Step Process for Letters of Intent (LOIs)
- Request a LOI number from the Physical Sciences Division Administrative Assistant by email (sciencediv@triumf.ca). The email should include the names and email addresses of the spokespersons and the title of the experiment.
- If you are a new experimenter to TRIUMF you will need to sign up for a TRIUMF login (TRIDENT). Please send a request to sciencediv@triumf.ca.
- Once you have your LOI number and TRIUMF Login, you can proceed to the Spokespersons’ Portal and prepare and submit your LOI. Please fill out all of the information relevant to your experiment (at a minimum the summary section). You will need to upload a Detailed Statement for your LOI. Templates can be found below.
When your LOI is complete you will need to go to the “Review for Submission” section and click “Submit LOI to the EEC” (you are able to edit your submission until the deadline, you will need to click the “Retract submission” button, then edit your LOI, but please remember to hit submit when you are ready to submit).
Three-Step Process for New Proposals or Progress Reports
- Request an experiment number from the Physical Sciences Division Administrative Assistant by email (sciencediv@triumf.ca). The email should include the names and email addresses of the spokespersons, the title of the experiment, and indicate that it is for the Subatomic Physics Experiments Evaluation Committee (EEC).
- If you are a new experimenter to TRIUMF you will need to sign up for a TRIUMF login (TRIDENT). Please send a request to sciencediv@triumf.ca.
- Once you have your experiment number and TRIUMF Login, you can proceed to the Spokespersons’ Portal and prepare and submit your new proposal or progress report. Please be sure to fill out all of the information relevant to your experiment. Be sure to upload the PDF of your Detailed Statement and Spokesperson Publications as per the outlined rules for the NP-EEC below. Templates can be found below in MS Word and LaTex.
When your new proposal or progress report is complete you will need to go to the “Review for Submission” section and click “Submit Report to the EEC” (you are able to edit your submission until the deadline, you will need to click the “Retract submission” button, then edit your new proposal or progress report, but please remember to hit submit when you are ready to submit).
Please note, you will have to make a presentation (usually ~10-15 minutes) to the EEC. The slides for your presentation will need to be submitted to the Physical Sciences Division Administrative Assistant ideally 48 hours before the meeting starts.
General Rules for NP-EEC Submissions
Detailed Statements (see the templates below) are not to exceed 10 pages (including figures and references). The font size should be Times New Roman 12 or equivalent. Publications should be not included but cited as references. You may upload a Spokespersons Publications PDF and/or a References and Publications PDF.
Templates (MS Word and LaTex)
The PDF documents that need to be submitted should be generated from the MS Word or LaTex templates below (NOTE: You will need a TRIDENT profile to access these forms).
The templates below are to be used for LOIs, New Proposals, and Progress Reports.
Detailed Statement for New Proposals – MSWord or LaTeX
Detailed Statement for Progress Reports – MSWor
Detailed Statement for LOIs – MSWord or LaTeX
Spokesperson Publications List – MSWord or LaTeX
NP-EEC Approval Process
The full document containing the Nuclear Physics EEC approval process can be found here.
Letter of Intent (LoI):
Describes the intent to carry out a certain experiment or scientific program for which a substantial extension of the facility capabilities is needed. These extensions include 1) development of certain beams with sufficient intensities and purities; 2) new experimental capabilities, such as major new equipment or new techniques. LoIs should provide an estimate of the amount of beam time necessary to carry out this program. In particular, for long-term programs that would require large amounts of beam time, it is important for TRIUMF and the EEC to be aware of such needs.
The EEC evaluates the scientific and technical merit and judges – with input from the facility – the general feasibility of the proposed research, explicitly taking into account the approximate amount of beam time required.
For experimental or beam production facility upgrades that have a significant impact on TRIUMF either during the upgrade or in subsequent operation a Project Charter Sheet should be submitted. The LoI and EEC report would be part of the input to the Gate Review process.
The EEC may endorse the LoI with high or medium priority (1 and 2 respectively) OR not endorse an LoI, which is deemed technically unfeasible, or if the scientific case does not have sufficient merit.
The endorsement of an LoI signals that the EEC and TRIUMF support the general experimental program proposed and expects that competitive proposals for this program will be submitted on the timeline presented in the LoI. Any beam development needs for the proposed program will be entered into the beam development plan (see below). The proponents are encouraged to seek funding for and complete any planned technical developments. Once a requested beam development has been achieved the results will be posted in the yield database. There will be no direct communication with the spokespersons to alert them of a successful beam development. The proponents are expected to submit proposals for experimental shifts once readiness of beam(s) and experimental equipment has been established.
Please note that the endorsement of an LoI does not guarantee the acceptance of proposals based on the developments proposed in the LoI but these proposals will be judged on their scientific merit at the time of submission and in comparison to other submissions.
Note: TRIUMF management will communicate the support for an endorsed LoI to NSERC and other funding agencies, as required.
Once LoIs have been reviewed there is no follow-up directly related to the LoI. New proposals related to the LoI will individually obtain experiment numbers that are not connected to the LoI. Reference to the LoI can and should be made in the proposals where appropriate.
Proponents ask for allocation of a number of shifts for a clear scientific case on the basis of the best estimate of achievable beam intensities and experimental efficiencies. Beam can be expected with reasonable certainty to be available within 3 years, i.e. no major new developments needed. Technically the experiment should be convincingly mature to successfully run. New equipment should have been successfully commissioned. If it uses only well-established standard technologies an explicit commissioning may not be needed. The EEC will review proposals and either grant the statuses of: approved with high or medium priority and allocate a certain number of shifts (please note that the medium-high category has been abandoned); not approved if deemed technically unfeasible, if the scientific case has not sufficient merit; or if beam time is limited and the scientific case is less compelling than that of other proposals submitted, the EEC may defer the experiment if the EEC feels that the information presented is not sufficient or the EEC feels it has not sufficient expertise to judge the case and as a result recommends that an external expert review is conducted.
Note: If you are intending to propose an experiment for which some of the isotope yields have been established while other yields have yet to be established, please submit this as one proposal with a beam request for the isotopes that have been demonstrated and a request for beam development for the other isotopes.
After 3 years, the proponents must submit a progress report if they have not run the experiment and the proposal expires unless the EEC sees a special reason to keep it active. The request for shifts in progress reports compete with all other submissions. The maximum number of RIB shifts approved per EEC meeting is 50% of the maximum RIB beam time delivered per year. Currently that corresponds to about 110 RIB shifts that can be approved at the January EEC meeting.
RIB beam developments:
The Beam Strategy Committee has developed and published a Beam Development Plan based on the EEC recommendations for approved proposals and endorsed LoIs, the technical difficulties associated with the developments, a mid-term strategy for the development of new target materials, ion sources, purification methods, as well as the target module refurbishing plan.
RIB beam developments and yield measurements will be performed on the basis of the plans agreed upon by the Beam Strategy Committee. Written reports on the measured yields will be submitted to the chair of the Beam Priorities Committee. The measured yields will be posted in the ISAC Yield Database.
The Beam Strategy Committee will report regularly to the NP-EEC on the achievements of the beam developments. The success of developments will be measured against the beam development plan. Reports on beam developments will also be given to the TRIUMF Users Group at their Annual General Meeting (TUG AGM).
For a list of beams available, please visit the ISAC Yield Database.
Screen-by-Screen Instructions
For new experimenters that would like detailed, screen-by-screen instructions, please see Experimental Evaluation Committee Online Submission Instructions.