TRIUMF’s IRIS (ISAC Charged Particle Reaction Spectroscopy Station) experimental facility is giving physicists a unique view of the strong force and unusual transformations in nuclear structure when nuclei are pushed to the extreme.
IRIS research involves collaborations with researchers from many Canadian and international institutions, including TRIUMF’s theory and experiments group, the University of Guelph, McMaster University, Simon Fraser University in Canada, the Research Center for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee in the United States, Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany, GANIL in France, and the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom.
Using short-lived isotopes, IRIS can induce star-like nuclear reactions that enable researchers to reconstruct an unparalleled image of the structure of the nucleus – and hone in on valence nucleons, the electrons that orbit furthest from the nuclear core that bind atoms together and make matter.
Ionization Chamber – Counting and cleaning isotopes
To start, IRIS isotopes pass through a low-pressure ionization chamber that tags and counts individual isotopes and sorts the beam isotopes. For example, in an IRIS experiment studying the rare isotope10C with six protons and just four neutrons, some of the isotopes in the ISAC-II beam are boron-10 (10B), with five protons and five neutrons (the ISAC-II beam is sorted by mass, and thus isotopes of identical mass are often mixed, and must be experimentally separated).
IRIS researchers don’t want their results muddied by recording the interactions of the10B with the target. So, the ionization chamber is used to identify and place an atomic charge tag on each and every isotope, or event. The atomic charge number of each element is different for example for carbon is six while that of boron in five. The 15-centimeter-long, and five-by-five-centimeter sided ionization chamber is filled with low-pressure isobutane gas (at about 1/40th atmospheric pressure). The ionized isotopes passing through are all positively charged and as a result, as each ion passes through the chamber it strips electrons from the isobutane molecules, creating a collection of electrical charges that’s detected in the chamber.
The strength of these electrical charges, their voltage, depends on the magnitude of an individual ion’s positive charge. Thus, carbon with six protons creates a stronger electrical signal than boron with five protons. About 2000 isotopes-per-second zip through the ionization chamber during an IRIS experiment, and every one of these events is tagged and identified to guide the final analysis. This count enables the IRIS researchers to calculate the probability of a given reaction occurring, a key component in elucidating nuclear structure.
The frozen hydrogen target
To maximize the rate of nuclear reactions with rare isotopes, IRIS is pioneering the use of frozen hydrogen targets. In either a nuclear transfer or scattering reaction experiment with IRIS, the goal is to maximize the number of possible interactions, the reaction yield, between isotopes and target nuclei. To achieve this, researchers want as dense a target as possible, i.e. as many hydrogen nuclei as possible packed into the smallest area.
Traditionally, scattering experiments have used hydrogen gas, or a polyethylene foil. In a gas, the hydrogen nuclei are spaced far apart, and in the polyethylene, being a molecule with hydrogen and carbon the number of hydrogen nuclei is smaller, the results are also complicated by the presence of carbon.
To maximize and simplify the number and type of interactions, IRIS researchers developed a solid, frozen hydrogen target system. The tiny, 5 mm diameter, thin, frozen hydrogen target is created using a copper target cell lined with an ultra-thin (4.5 millionths-of-a-meter) silver foil that’s cryogenically cooled to 4° Kelvin. Hydrogen gas is sprayed through a diffuser onto the silver foil, instantly freezing to form a solid target of densely packed hydrogen nuclei, ranging in thickness from about 50 to 150-millionths-of-a-meter. The desired thickness of an IRIS target is achieved by controlling the volume of gas released. IRIS targets use either of hydrogen or its heavier isotope deuterium depending on the specific type of reaction to study.
IRIS’ trio of detectors are designed to record the location, energy and time of all the reaction products from the interactions of rare isotopes with the hydrogen target. When an isotope hits the target, it produces either nuclear transfer or scattering reactions and the detectors are designed and positioned to optimize the detections of these different reactions. The detectors can be placed from 8 cm to 75 cm from the target.
Behind, or downstream, from the target are two dartboard-like circular, segmented, silicon semiconductor detectors, each with a hole at the bulls-eye. In scattering reactions, the hydrogen target nuclei are much less massive than the incoming isotope and so are scattered more widely, just as a more massive bowling bowl scatters stationary, less massive, bowling pins.
The first detector has a much larger circumference than the second and detects the lighter widely scattered hydrogen nuclei, and other light reaction products. Both downstream detector configurations are made up of two layers each of which is a separate detector. The first layer is a super-thin silicon wafer, just 100 µm thick. A particle passes through this layer, depositing some of its energy. The second layer is 12 mm thick cesium iodide scintillator detector which stops the particle.
The correlation between the energy deposited in the detector’s first layer, and the final stopping layer, enable IRIS researchers to determine the particle’s mass and charge and thus its type, for example whether its hydrogen, deuterium or perhaps an alpha particle created in a nuclear reaction. The segmentation of the detector provides pinpoint information on the particle’s angle of scattering after reaction.
In a reaction, the heavier mass isotopes are scattered far less and thus pass through the hole in the centre of the first detector and hit a second, smaller circumference segmented semiconductor detector combination (two layers of same semiconductor detectors) further downstream.
Any beam isotopes that don’t interact with target nuclei continue on a straight path through the holes at the centre of the downstream detectors. At the very end of IRIS’ vacuum chamber is a strong radiation resistant scintillator detector that records the impact of these unreacted beam isotopes. This allows monitoring the transmission of the beam through the IRIS detector setup.
IRIS is also equipped with a pair of upstream semiconductor detectors similar to those used for detecting downstream reaction particles. These upstream detectors are particularly important in transfer reaction experiments involving the emission of a proton from a deuterium target, a significant portion of which scatter backwards.
Detecting the overall energy of each event, and the scattering angles of the heavy and light particles, enables IRIS researchers to deduce the detailed nuclear structure of the rare isotopes