TRIUMF was founded to provide the centralized resources, tools, and expertise in pursuit of compelling science in ways that no single university could build or maintain. At its core, then, TRIUMF is a partnership among leading Canadian research universities. Through international partnerships, TRIUMF connects Canada to the global science and technology community.
TRIUMF pushes the boundaries of knowledge, creates and commercializes innovative solutions, maintains and operates world-class infrastructure, and inspires and educates some of the brightest minds in the world. The laboratory has become the leading player of the Canadian “Big Science” ecosystem, acting at the intersection of academia, government, and industry.
As one of the largest research facilities in the country, we support and drive the Canadian university-based research ecosystem, tackling problems too large for individual universities and addressing fundamental questions in contemporary science. As a globally sought-after collaborator, we project Canadian leadership and innovation onto the international arena, connecting to national and international laboratories around the world, and translating our research into socioeconomic benefits for Canadians.
Canadian University Partners
We supercharge Canada’s academic sector by enabling large-scale research developments and providing once-in-a-lifetime training and research experiences for the next generation of STEM leaders.
For our network for 21 member universities, TRIUMF plays a pivotal role in providing unique research infrastructure and a community of world-leading experts.
Prospective TRIUMF members
TRIUMF welcomes new membership applications as part of a continuous call for new member institutions.
TRIUMF as Canada’s Gateway to Global Science & Technology
As Canada’s national laboratory on the global stage, TRIUMF serves as a platform for international subatomic physics, enabling Canadian scientists to lead and participate in global science projects and share their innovations globally.

Our Approach
One of the three primary outcomes of basic research (in addition to knowledge and highly trained personnel) is economic growth, driven either:
- By directly applying of scientitic breakthroughs to develop new products and services
- By the demands that scientific research places on technology to “stretch,” thereby improving performance or generating new applications.
The third element of TRIUMF’s mission mandates the laboratory to “transfer knowledge” and “commercialize research” for the benefit of Canadians.
Partner opportunities
Based on these considerations, TRIUMF focuses its innovation and industrial partnership activities in four chief areas:
- Irradiation services (PIF & NIF)
- Isotope production and chemistry
- Technical consulting
- Professional training
TRIUMF and CNRS create joint Canada-France NPAT laboratory for research in nuclear physics and astrophysics
On November 4, TRIUMF joined French research organization CNRS to sign a partnership agreement to create the NPAT (‘Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Astrophysics…November 5, 2024
TRIUMF wins Excellence in Industry Innovation Award at 2024 BC Tech Awards
We are thrilled to share that TRIUMF has been selected for the Excellence in Industry Innovation Award as part of…October 28, 2024
NA62 collaboration confirms one-in-10-billion kaon decay
On September 24, the NA62 collaboration working at CERN announced the ‘unequivocal confirmation’ of a rare and significant interaction: the rare decay of a…October 17, 2024