Industry Partners


Working primarily through our commercialization arm, TRIUMF Innovations, TRIUMF engages a variety of strategic industry partnerships and provides market opportunities for applied, physics-based technologies that emerge from the TRIUMF network.

We streamline access to TRIUMF’s world-class expertise and infrastructure, and connect TRIUMF researchers and technologies to the world via industry partnerships, licensing, and business development.

With our industry partners, we are maximizing the benefits of fundamental research for Canadians, including by driving technologies and techniques to market; training the next generation of innovators and STEM leaders; and providing capacity to pivot to shifting needs and priorities and supporting health care resiliency.

Our impact

  • Isotopes for health: With our valued partner BWXT Medical, TRIUMF produces nearly 2 million patient-doses of critically-needed medical isotopes, which are used both nationally and internationally in critically-needed diagnostic scans to visualize and diagnose diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart disease. Learn more about our Applied Technology Group facilities.
  • Drill less, discover more: TRIUMF spin-off company Ideon is a world pioneer in the application of cosmic-ray muon tomography, a technique that leverages invented-in-Canada particle detectors to provide x-ray-like visibility up to 1 km beneath the Earth’s surface. Ideon helps geologists precisely and confidently identify new mineral and metal deposits, which reduces cost and risk, saves time, and minimizes environmental impact.
  • Strengthening Canada’s medical isotope ecoystem: As part of the Canadian Medical Isotope Ecosystem (CMIE), TRIUMF is working with industry partners to build new national ecosystems for producing and commercializing medical isotopes. Read more.


Work with us

Industry partnerships are mediated through TRIUMF Innovations, the interface bridging TRIUMF with the business world. TRIUMF Innovations links cutting-edge science and technology to tangible business opportunities. 

Visit TRIUMF Innovations

Partner opportunities

TRIUMF focuses its innovation and industrial partnership activities in four chief areas:

  • Irradiation services (PIF & NIF)
  • Isotope production and radiochemistry development
  • Particle detector design and consulting
  • Technical consulting
  • Professional training