Irradiation Facilities (PIF & NIF)
Our beamlines provide low-intensity, energetic proton and neutron beams to simulate radiation exposures in space/terrestrial environments. Several minutes of exposure can simulate years of operation in space, air, or ground, enabling faster testing of electronics components.
A large fraction of the proton irradiation facility users are Canadian space-related companies such as MDA Corporation, while neutron use is primarily by international companies for avionics, microelectronics and communications equipment, such as The Boeing Company or Cisco Systems, Inc.
Each year about 195 users from about 45 companies, laboratories, or universities test electronics or materials with the TRIUMF beams. Commercial users buy beamtime by the hour for component testing and qualification while researchers are provided free access to PIF & NIF for studies of radiation effects when formally approved by the TRIUMF Experiment Evaluation Committee.

View an interactive version of this infographic
TRIUMF is a partner facility in RADNEXT, an H2020 INFRAIA-02-2020 infrastructure proposal with the objective of creating a network of facilities and related irradiation methodology for responding to the emerging needs of electronics component and system irradiation. Details of the proposal can be found at:
Between 1995 and 2018, one of the facility’s beamlines was also used for the cancer treatment of ocular melanoma at the Proton Therapy Research Centre. More than 200 patients were treated at the facility which was operated in conjunction with the BC Cancer Agency and the UBC Department of Ophthalmology.
Accelerating commercialization from science
The Proton Irradiation Facility (PIF) was designed primarily for single-event effect (SEE) studies and characterization of electronic components and detectors for the space environment. The energy spectrum of protons trapped in earth orbits peaks in the 10-100 MeV region (depending on the amount of intervening absorber) and drops by about an order of magnitude at 500 MeV. This makes the TRIUMF cyclotron’s variable-energy capability of up to 500 MeV ideal for studies of space effects. Biological studies such as cell irradiations to measure the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of protons are also being carried out in conjunction with the Proton Therapy Centre.

TRIUMF makes use of three separate locations to perform neutron irradiations. The TNF facility offers energies from Thermal to 400 MeV at high intensity while at BL1B and BL2C, protons can be converted into neutrons yielding 1/E energy spectra up to 480 and 120 MeV, respectively. Each year, companies from around the world test many different types of devices, ranging from avionics to ground-based electronic systems such as network and power-distribution servers, or even the latest cell-phone chips. Neutron flux is monitored with BF₃ counters and dosimetry is regularly performed using activation foils of nickel, aluminum, carbon, and gold.

Everything you need to know when you test at TRIUMF’s PIF & NIF.
Beam Availability and Cost
PIF & NIF irradiation facilities will be shut down for maintenance until
Spring 2025.
It is anticipated that beam from BL2C (low-energy protons) and TNF
(high-energy neutrons) will be first available in May or June and that beam from BL1B (high-energy protons and neutrons) will be available from summer 2025. The schedule will become better defined in March 2025.
During the TRIUMF operation season, beam is typically available for PIF & NIF users for one week each month on BL2C. The BL1B and M20 schedules are more restrictive as they need to be interleaved with the TRIUMF Science programme; advance booking is essential. Use of the TNF is available whenever the main cyclotron is running at high intensity.
For 2025, the PIF & NIF hourly rate for beam time at both BL2C and M20 is $1075 for Canadian users and $1075 USD for all other users. The hourly rate for BL1B is $1200 for Canadian users and $1200 USD for all other users. The hourly rate for TNF is $525 for Canadian users and $525 USD for all other users. There will be a 10% contingency amount added to all quotes to allow for any overages in beam time or logistics fees. This amount will not necessarily be charged, it just precludes the need to obtain additional purchase orders when necessary. The minimum booking time is 6 hours for all beamlines.
TRIUMF always endeavours to provide reliable beam to our customers; for specific scheduling questions or to book beam time, please contact us.
Beam Calendar
The public version of the TRIUMF beam schedule can be accessed at:
BL1B and BL2C are available for PIF & NIF whenever the schedule is marked “PIF”.
TNF is available whenever the cyclotron is in operation and BL1A is running, i.e. BL1B is NOT marked for “PIF”.
Note that this schedule only presents the blocks where the cyclotron is running and beam is available to the PIF & NIF facilities. Individual bookings are not listed. To see if there is any available time within the scheduled periods, please contact the PIF & NIF team directly.
Registering as a Visitor and Safety Training
Read the Before You Visit section on the Experimenter Portal for more information.
Shipping Equipment to TRIUMF
Shipping address
The shipping address for equipment being sent to TRIUMF for testing at PIF & NIF is:
6095 Nurseries Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 2A3
Attention: M. Trinczek, 2024-PIFNIF
International shipping and importing goods to Canada
Here are short descriptions of all your options to import your equipment when you come to test at PIF & NIF:
- Ordinary commercial import – the simplest process – only for shipments valued below 10,000$CAD
You import your goods into Canada filling a Commercial Invoice, and pay all the taxes, duties and fees associated with the import. Generally, this is 5% GST tax on the declared commercial value of the goods. Duties and the 7% PST tax may also apply, but are not generally levied against scientific equipment coming for temporary use at TRIUMF. If your company has a Canadian branch or a Canadian business number, they can be the importer of record (recommended). Otherwise, TRIUMF will be the importer of record for your shipment.
If you want TRIUMF to be the importer, indicate so clearly on your commercial invoice and include on it: “Canadian customs clearance to be done by Thompson, Ahern & Co. Limited, reference: 2024-PIFNIF”. They will process the customs clearance for you in TRIUMF’s name, and you will be invoiced by TRIUMF for the associated brokerage fees, taxes and duties, if any.
- Tax- and duty-exempt import
You can use one of the following mechanisms to import your goods into Canada for a limited time without paying taxes and duties. Generally, some additional conditions need to be met when re-exporting and everything that was in the incoming shipment must leave Canada at the same time in a single shipment. The options are, in order of preference:
- ATA Carnet
An ATA Carnet is essentially a passport for your commercial goods, allowing free entry into multiple countries for the period specified on the Carnet. It is important to note that goods that enter Canada with a Carnet must all leave Canada at the same time. Steps to obtain a carnet depend on the country of the shipping entity. Carnets are generally obtained through the national Chamber of Commerce of the originating country. We recommend that you work wiith your carrier/logistics team to prepare a Carnet for your goods. Make sure that the period of validity gives plenty of time for the radioactive cool down of your irradiated devices. All items on a Carnet must travel together, so if you want to get your support equipment back before your irradiated parts have cooled down, you will need 2 separate Carnets.
- SERO (Scientific Expeditions Remission Order)
Equipment to conduct a scientific expedition can be imported duty-free and GST(tax)-free for a limited duration if your company/institution and your test team members meet certain conditions. More information on the SERO process is found at this link.
- Temporary admission permit against a bond or a security deposit
Under some specific circumstances and if none of the other options are possible, you may be able to import your goods temporarily into Canada by paying a security deposit which is returned when the goods leave Canada. Please consult with the TRIUMF Logistics team to make sure you qualify for this option. It is not generally recommended as it is slower and has many more constraints and requirements than the other options.
TRIUMF’s Logistics group and our customs broker can answer your questions about what option is the best for your specific shipment and circumstances. You can find their contact information directly on the TRIUMF Logistics webpages.
How to write a commercial invoice
- On letterhead from your institution, title your letter Commercial Invoice.
- Write your company’s Canadian import business number (BN) on the letter, if your company has one. Note that a Canadian BN is mandatory for the SERO process or for your company to be the importer of record of any shipment to Canada.
- Create a list of the goods you plan to ship to TRIUMF showing the quantity of each item, the country of origin for that item, and the dollar value of the goods. Country of origin is the country where the goods were made. For example if you ship a Sony Television purchased in the U.S. from the United States to Canada the country of origin is Japan.
- Tally up the value of all the goods in your list and write the total dollar value at the bottom of your list. State which currency you are using, for example state the value shown is in Canadian dollars, US dollars, Euros, or which ever currency is most convenient for you.
- Make a brief statement as to why the goods are being sent to TRIUMF. For example, to be used in an experiment and will subsequently be returned to the originating institution on a particular date.
- Sign your letter.
- Send us a copy of your commercial invoice and attach 3 copies to your shipping documents when you ship the goods.
Accomodation while at TRIUMF
While at TRIUMF, affordable accommodation can be provided by TRIUMF House, conveniently located within walking distance from the laboratory on the UBC Campus. When booking, mention you are there for PIF & NIF.
Some other accomodation options are also listed here.
In addition, TRIUMF maintains a fleet of rental vehicles available to visitors. To arrange a car rental, please go through your TRIUMF contact.
- Brochure – TRIUMF Radiation Testing of Electronics
- NSREC Paper — Operation of the TRIUMF (20-500 MeV) Proton Irradiation Facility
- NSREC Paper — Improved capabilities for proton and neutron irradiations at TRIUMF
- Development of a Large Area Neutron Beam for System Testing at TRIUMF
- References of papers written on radiation effect testing at TRIUMF
Related Links
- Berkeley Accelerator Space Effects Facility (BASE), LBNL, USA
- Francis H. Burr Proton Therapy Center, Massachusetts, USA
- Heidelberg Ion-Beam Therapy Center, Heidelberg, Germany
- Institute for Space and Defense Electronics (ISDE), Vanderbilt University, USA
- James M. Slater Proton Treatment and Research Center, Loma Linda, USA
- Proton Irradiation Facility (PIF) at Laboratory For Astrophysics, PSI, Switzerland
- Radiation Effects and Analysis, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
- RADiation Effects Facility (RADEF), University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Radiation Effects Facility, Texas A&M University, USA
- Radiation Effects Facility, UC Davis, USA
- Radiation Effects Research Program, Indiana University, USA
- The Svedberg Laboratory (TSL), Uppsala University, Sweden
- Weapons Neutron Research Facility (WNR), LANL, USA
For further information, please contact:
Michael Trinczek TRIUMF Tel: 604.222.7530 Fax: 604.222.1074 |
Camille Bélanger-Champagne TRIUMF Tel: 604.222.7706 Fax: 604.222.1074 |
Alex Hands TRIUMF Tel: 604.222.7628 Fax: 604.222.1074 |