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TRIUMF Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct Summary

TRIUMF is a world-class research institution. As such, we hold ourselves and our community to the highest standard of conduct in scientific, academic, and professional activities. Behaviour or conduct that does not meet these standards interferes with our commitment to foster a productive and healthy environment that supports the organizational vision, mission, and values.

In accordance with our Core Values, TRIUMF is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment that fosters the exchange of ideas, encourages open and respectful dialogue, and is free of harassment and discrimination. The Code of Conduct establishes the standards of behaviour expected of all members of the TRIUMF community, including employees, students, visitors, contractors, and anyone else accessing our facilities onsite or online.  The Code of Conduct facilitates our mission and seeks to make TRIUMF a welcoming and inclusive place for everyone.

We require the TRIUMF community to conduct itself in a respectful and open-minded manner, and to uphold high standards of professional and academic conduct. These include but are not limited to:

  • Using welcoming, supportive, and inclusive language, considering the ways your words may impact others, and being mindful of tone and expression.
  • Holding paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public, including protection of the environment and the promotion of health and safety in the workplace.
  • Ensuring every member of a group has the opportunity to participate, both within the facility and in social settings when appropriate.
  • Encouraging engagement by all members of the community.
  • Holding oneself accountable for one’s actions.
  • Making yourself aware of pronouns and not deliberately misgendering others. 
  • Remaining considerate of dietary restrictions, familial obligations, religious observations, and other cultural practices. 

TRIUMF community members can access the full Code of Conduct here (on Docushare).

A PDF of Release 1 of the full policy can be found here. (note that the most recent version on the policy is kept at the Docushare link above.