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TRIUMF Life Sciences Division

The mission of TRIUMF’s Life Sciences Division is to save lives every day through the production of radioisotopes and the development of new and more powerful radiochemical and radiopharmaceuticals (radiotracers). We produce and prepare certain commercially-unavailable radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals for distribution to researchers at TRIUMF and beyond, who design and synthesize radiotracers with optimal properties for imaging biological targets and to develop novel tracer imaging systems. Our research program also includes projects that leverage TRIUMF's world-leading infrastructure for the production of particle beams such as FLASH therapy and beta-detected NMR (betaNMR).

In addition to performing world-class research and making new discoveries, the Life Science Division at TRIUMF continues to expand on long-standing collaborations with the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health and BC Cancer, for which we routinely provide various tracers for animal and pre-clinical studies.

Our Projects

The Life Sciences Division at TRIUMF pursues both fundamental and applied research and development under three core pillars: studies and applications with ions beams, nuclear chemistry, and the application of isotopes to understand life at the molecular level. To achieve our goals, we rely on all accelerators at TRIUMF – from 13 to 520 MeV, including the emerging electron linear accelerator – all of which hold potential as key drivers for research in core areas. Together with our radiochemistry and beta-NMR laboratories, the division maintains cutting-edge facilities and expertise in the research and development of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals for use in nuclear medicine, radiotherapy and the broader life sciences.

Our Team

The Life Sciences Division team contributes to four key programs: Radiopharmaceutical Production programR&D program, Proton Therapy and Infrastructure and Facilities.

“With the new IAMI facility and BC Cancer’s partnership with TRIUMF we will have the most innovative infrastructure and minds working to develop advanced, highly targeted cancer therapeutics. Thanks to the vision and investments from the governments of Canada and British Columbia and a generous anonymous donation to BC Cancer Foundation, IAMI will bring hope and improve outcomes for people facing cancer across our nation.”
— Dr. Francois Bénard, Vice President, Research, BC Cancer