Detectors and Instrumentation
All particle physics, nuclear physics, and condensed matter experiments require instruments to detect energetic subatomic particles. These detectors are required to measure various kinematic properties of each particle, such as its energy, momentum, the spatial location of its track, and its time of arrival at the detector. Scientific progress often emerges from advances in detector technology. Such advances include: enhanced precision in kinematic properties; the rate at which particles may be detected, leading to improved statistical precision; and in reduced costs, resulting in larger systems with greater sensitivity to rare processes.
Over the last several decades, TRIUMF’s Detectors and Instrumentation teams have established an international reputation for developing, designing and constructing state-of-the-art detectors, as well as developing new detector technologies.
The core mission of the Detectors and Instrumentation teams is supporting the physics community in bringing to reality their project by providing technical resources for the design, construction, and commissioning of experiments and other apparatus. We also develop new technologies that we foresee as enablers of future discoveries and as having strong potential for applications outside physics research. Finally, we foster talent: from training of students to continuous training of group members.
Research feature

ALPHA physicists observe the first gravitational free-fall of antimatter
Using a built-at-TRIUMF antimatter gravity detector, an international research team has observed for the very first time the effect of gravity on antimatter. As was (mostly) widely expected, antimatter falls downwards.
research Groups/areas
Instrumentation Physics Group
The Instrumentation Physics Group feel optimize detector choices and design for various research projects and initiatives at TRIUMF and as part of international collaborations. We have available GEANT4 for simulating particle trajectories in magnetic fields and through detectors; Garfield++ for studying gaseous detectors; and finite element modelling codes available for electromagnetic field studies.
Detector Facility Group
The Detector Facility Group provides world-class innovation, technology and personnel for detector development and construction. Its teams support the development, design and construction of state-of-the-art detectors and associated electronics for condensed matter, nuclear and particle physics experiments and medical applications; and provide specialized equipment, experienced‐based knowledge, and skills, design and construction services.
Instrumentation Physics Group
The Instrumentation Physics Group provides high-quality custom electronic devices and firmware, including:
- High-speed Digitizers, Amplifiers, and I/O boards
- Clock Distribution Modules
- Custom connectors, converters, and other odds and ends
The Group also provides variety of skills, capabilities, and expertise in electronics development, including:
- Schematic Capture and PCB Layout
- SPICE simulation
- Firmware for FPGAs and embedded processors (Verilog/VHDL)
- Software for embedded linux, RTOSes, and bare-metal (C/C++/Python/Javascript)
Data Acquisition Group
The Data Acquisition (DAQ) Group specializes in DAQ hardware components, firmware, and software development, as well as data analysis tools. The Group is responsible for data acquisition infrastructure deployed as part of scheduled and actively-running experiments at TRIUMF, managing close to 100 local computers dedicated to data acquisition. The Group also providese consulting expertise to off-site physics experiments in the form of DAQ concept, implementation, and deployment based on the MIDAS Software Package, including for the following experiments:
- PIENU Precision Measurement of the Rare Decay (pi+->e+ nu/pi+ -> mu+ nu) (Canada)
- TWIST Weak Interaction Symmetry (Canada)
- SuperCDMS, Second Generation of Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (Canada)
- ALPHA, AntiHydrogen Trap (Switzerland)
- DEAP Dark Matter Experiment (Canada)
- T2K Neutrino Experiment (Japan)