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Research Highlights Canadian contribution to critical cryomodules for high luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider officially begins 04 December 2023 With a wave goodbye to departing colleagues from the 13th annual of meeting the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (Hi-Lumi or HL-LHC) project collaboration, Canadian accelerator physics researchers are now turning their sights on their next major objective: the fabrication of key cryomodules that will host specialized `crab’ cavities as part of the high luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).  
Headlines QRT Inc. and TRIUMF strengthen partnership to support neutron beam R&D at NIF 08 November 2023 QRT Inc. and the PIF & NIF team at TRIUMF are taking new steps to further strengthen a collaborative program of research and development at the laboratory’s neutron irradiation facilities (NIF), bolstering an existing memorandum of understanding (MOU) and bringing online new analysis technologies to improve test accuracy and efficiency.
Workshops & Conferences Registration opens for NN2024 01 November 2023 Register now to secure your spot at the 14th International Conference on Nucleus Nucleus Collisions (NN2024), held in Whistler, British Columbia from August 18 – 23, 2024.
Headlines Latest NRC Evaluation of TRIUMF now available 27 October 2023 TRIUMF is pleased to share the results of the ‘Evaluation of TRIUMF 2023-24', a deep-dive analysis conducted by the National Research Council (NRC) that assessed TRIUMF’s scientific excellence, social and economic impact, relevance, capacity, competency, facilities and governance. 
Current Events TRIUMF’s Five-Year Request for Support 2025-2030: Realizing Canada’s Full Potential 25 October 2023 Today, TRIUMF is pleased to share with our community the laboratory’s formal request for funding: Five-Year Request for Support 2025-2030: Realizing Canada’s Full Potential. 
Research Highlights ALPHA physicists observe the first gravitational free-fall of antimatter 27 September 2023 First measurement of the force of the earth’s gravity on antimatter, which leverages a built-in-Vancouver antimatter gravity detector, published in prestigious Nature
Funding Announcements 2023 NSERC grant results highlight major TRIUMF research projects and facilities 01 September 2023 “The Discovery Research Program fosters research excellence by supporting the long-term goals of a diversified base of researchers at different career stages across Canada while also providing stimulating research training opportunities for the scientists and engineers of tomorrow,” said Dr. Alejandro Adem, President, NSERC.
Funding Announcements Pre-budget submission now available 10 August 2023 Review the Pre-Budget Submission here. 
Funding Announcements TRIUMF Innovations and CPDC lead $35M funding success to establish Canadian Medical Isotope Ecosystem 28 June 2023 The initiative will support the development, production, and distribution of medical isotopes used in the fight against cancer and in diagnostic imaging. 
Current Events Reminder: Registration open for Science Week 2023 29 May 2023 A reminder that registration is now open for TRIUMF Science Week 2023, July 31 – August 4.


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