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Current Events TRIUMF Scientist to Become New ATLAS Physics Coordinator 08 June 2017 Pierre Savard, Professor of Physics at the University of Toronto and TRIUMF Scientist, has been appointed the next Physics Coordinator of the ATLAS experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC). 
Experimental Result A custom-made revolution for isotope beamlines 26 April 2017 The ARIEL facility reached a milestone in December 2016 with the successful installation of a 15-metre prototype of the Rare Isotope Beam (RIB) transport system.
Headlines Introducing TRIUMF Innovations 06 April 2017 TRIUMF announces the formation of TRIUMF Innovations, the laboratory’s new commercialization arm. 
Current Events TRIUMF Selects New Chair of Board of Management 13 March 2017 TRIUMF is pleased to announce the recent appointment of Dr. Digvir S. Jayas as Chair of the Board of Management
Current Events TRIUMF Appoints New AAPS President and CEO to Lead Technology Commercialization Arm 01 February 2017 TRIUMF is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Kathryn Hayashi as President and CEO of the laboratory’s non-profit commercialization arm, Advanced Applied Physics Solutions Inc. (AAPS). Hayashi will assume leadership of AAPS effective February 6, 2017.
Experimental Result EMMA passes her first test 31 January 2017  In December 2016, EMMA  achieved a major breakthrough when it was tested for the first time with a heavy ion beam.
Headlines Town Hall meeting discusses ARIEL development 26 January 2017  The TRIUMF Users Group and the ARIEL Project Management Team hosted a Town Hall meeting in the TRIUMF auditorium to discuss the ARIEL-II project plan, construction schedule and community feedback plan with the users in attendance. 
Experimental Result CERN-TRIUMF collaboration opens new avenues for particle acceleration 23 January 2017 On December 10, 2016, members of the Advanced Wakefield Experiment (AWAKE) at CERN announced a major milestone in the pursuit of a novel particle acceleration method, proton-driven wakefield-based acceleration
Research Highlights CERN-TRIUMF collaboration opens new avenues for particle acceleration 23 January 2017   
Research Highlights ALPHA shines light on antimatter question 19 December 2016 In a new Nature publication, ALPHA collaboration reports on the first spectroscopic laser measurement of antimatter atoms


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