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Headlines Canada and Japan usher in a new era of partnership in physics research 16 May 2016 On Sunday, May 15, The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Canada’s Minister of Science, welcomed a new era of world-class scientific partnership between Canada and Japan as she unveiled the new TRIUMF branch office located at Japan’s KEK. 
Awards & Honours Akira Konaka awarded 2016 CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal 21 April 2016 The 2016 CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal for Contributions to Subatomic Physics is awarded to Dr. Akira Konaka, TRIUMF Research Scientist, for his outstanding contributions to the T2K long-baseline neutrino experiment, including his leadership in establishing the collaboration.
Current Events Sun Run Team Accelerates to Big Win 21 April 2016 The TRIUMF running team challenged themselves in Canada’s biggest road race, the Vancouver Sun Run 10K, and earned a 1st place finish in the High Tech Category of 102 teams, and a 2nd place finish overall of 1156 teams.
Current Events Art Olin’s Home Base 11 April 2016 Recently retired and now a researcher emeritus, Art Olin shares stories from his impressive career at TRIUMF and tells us what it is that keeps him coming back to his "home base".
Workshops & Conferences A New Beginning for Ab Initio 01 April 2016 TRIUMF's theory department offers a broad range of expertise in nuclear structure and reaction techniques, making them ideal candidates to host the Ab Initio Nuclear Structure and Reaction Theory workshop, a global dialogue hosted by TRIUMF.
Current Events New Tricks for Teaching Physics 18 March 2016 Physics can be daunting for the first-time student, observer or enthusiast. Luckily, people like Dr. Wenjun Li are dedicated to making physics understandable, interesting, engaging and relevant.
Current Events Proving Einstein right – again 11 March 2016 100 years after Einstein predicted them in his theory of General Relativity, LIGO scientists have confirmed the existence of gravitational waves. The discovery came in time to cap off the (Einstein Centenary) Saturday Morning Lecture series.
Current Events Remote Handling Help Desk 03 March 2016 Last fall, the 2016 Breakthrough Prize-winning T2K project in Japan enlisted TRIUMF remote handling experts Chad Fisher and Isaac Earle to perform a critical beamline fix.
Student Stories The Long Journey to “Doctor” 26 February 2016 At five years old, Milena Čolović wanted to be a medical doctor. Now, as a master’s student at UBC and as a trainee of the ISOSIM CREATE program, she’s certainly on her way to achieving that goal.
Experimental Result A TRIUMF for ALPHA-2 25 February 2016 The ALPHA Collaboration, including several key contributors from TRIUMF, once again pushed the boundaries of antihydrogen research with their latest breakthrough.


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