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Current Events Dr. Jayas Appointed as Board Vice-Chair 27 April 2015 TRIUMF's Board of Management recently appointed Dr. Digvir S. Jayas, Vice-President (Research and International) and Distinguished Professor from the University of Manitoba, to serve as Vice-Chair of the Board.
Experimental Result Baartman scores touchdown in magnet design 23 April 2015 Rick Baartman has changed the shapes of magnets used to focus particle beams.
Funding Announcements Budget 2015 Renews Support for TRIUMF 21 April 2015 The Government of Canada's Economic Action Plan 2015 commits to providing an additional $45 million in operating funds to TRIUMF over the next five years. TRIUMF applauds the Government’s continued investment in science, technology and innovation.
Current Events Artist in Residence Exhibit at Science World 14 April 2015 A Visual Arts studio course taught by Ingrid Koenig at Emily Carr University was part of TRIUMF’s Artist in Residence program in Fall 2014. A gallery exhibit with response studies is now on show at Science World.
Experimental Result Fleming Spies a New Bond 08 April 2015 Don Fleming and coworkers apply muon science to reveal new type of chemical bond.
Current Events Minister of Natural Resources Visits Lab 07 April 2015 On March 30, TRIUMF welcomed the Honourable Greg Rickford, Minister of Natural Resources to receive updates on our research, particularly ongoing work in the cyclotron-based production of medical isotopes. 
Current Events Cosmetological Fujiwara Effect Proven 01 April 2015 Scientists from TRIUMF and the Wightman Institute for Theoretical Studies have confirmed the "Fujiwara Effect." This breakthrough will undoubtedly impact the face of physics.
University Stories Alpha Therapy Research Targets Cancer 26 March 2015 Research on alpha emitters is still in its infancy, primarily due to their limited availability. Jason Crawford, a Ph.D. student at the University of Victoria, wants to see that change using infrastructure at TRIUMF. 
Current Events Ten Minutes with Col. Hadfield 19 March 2015 As part of his first trip to our lab, Canadian astronaut Col. Chris Hadfield kindly indulged us in answering a few questions before meeting with laboratory staff and taking a tour of our facilities. Audio clips of the interview and photos from the tour available...
University Stories Frustrated Magnetism, Confused Physicists 13 March 2015 Dr. Michel Gingras has returned to TRIUMF to rejuvenate his research studies in condensed matter. With a cold look at spin ice, Michel explains frustrated magnetism...


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