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Current Events Astbury Symposium in April 11 March 2015 The Alan Astbury Memorial Symposium will be held at the University of Victoria on April 27-28. Topics include high-energy physics and the production of isotopes for nuclear physics and medicine.
Awards & Honours CAP Reveals 2015 Medalists 10 March 2015 The Canadian Association of Physicists awarded seven Canadian physicists for their various life-long contributions to the physics community.
Current Events Women Accelerating Science 07 March 2015 In celebration of International Women’s Day, we’ve highlighted some of the inspirational women working here at TRIUMF.
Awards & Honours Tom Ruth Appointed to U.S. NAS Committee 03 March 2015 Internationally recognized expert on medical isotopes, TRIUMF's Dr. Tom Ruth is appointed Vice-Chair of a US National Academies of Sciences (NAS) committee. 
Workshops & Conferences Energy Scales up at Theory Workshop 20 February 2015 TRIUMF’s Nuclear Theory Workshop is a four day long collection of lectures, talks and colloquiums centred around the latest results from top research institutions and universities around the world.
Workshops & Conferences E.W. Vogt Symposium: Remembering a Giant 20 February 2015 The legacy of Erich Vogt was celebrated by his many friends during a scientific symposium last week. Erich exemplified a true renaissance man with a broad education, unmatched motivation and exemplary people skills.
Current Events Japan Leads Neutrino Proto-Collaboration 19 February 2015 The Institute for Cosmic Ray Research signs an MOU with KEK on the Hyper-Kamiokande proto-collaboration. Over 100 Hyper-K researchers from 13 countries attended the signing ceremony.
Awards & Honours NSERC Brockhouse Prize For CycloMed99 17 February 2015 For their outstanding teamwork in realizing a solution for safe and reliable medical isotope production for hospitals in Canada, the CycloMed99 team will be receiving a prestigious national award in Ottawa today.
Current Events ATLAS Prepares for LHC Restart 06 February 2015 The LHC has been offline; but it's not all relaxing on a beach and sipping mai tais for the world's most powerful particle accelerator and the thousands of physicists, engineers and students that operate it.
Workshops & Conferences Testing Gravity Workshop 02 February 2015 Gravity – the most basic of all forces - is still surrounded by a great deal of mystery. A recent workshop hosted at SFU aimed to discover new ways of testing theories and ideas.


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