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Current Events Koreans Collaborate with SRF experts 21 January 2015 With 500 SRF cavities needed for their new accelerator complex (RISP), researchers from Korea brought the first of two prototype SRF cavities to TRIUMF for testing.
Experimental Result Viability of new muon g-2 technique proven 20 January 2015 With an experiment in the M15 beamline, a Japan-Canada team demonstrates viability of an alternate muon g-2 measurement technique.
Current Events TRIUMF signs MOU with UBC Orbit 16 January 2015 UBC Orbit team utilizes TRIUMF’s expertise as they construct a space-ready satellite for the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge.  
Current Events The Honourable Mike Lake visits TRIUMF 15 January 2015 On January 13, 2015, TRIUMF played host to the Honourable Mike Lake, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Industry, and Member of Parliament from Edmonton.
Experimental Result Team Demonstrates Solution to Tc-99m Crisis 05 January 2015 A Canadian team demonstrates the workability of decentralized, non-reactor based production of Tc-99m that eliminates the threat of an isotope shortage, while providing a safe and secure supply chain for Canadian patients.
Awards & Honours Photos Contemplate the Humanity of Science 19 December 2014 Whether in the form of a researcher’s handwritten scribbles or through a photographer’s creativity, photographers brought a fresh look to research at work at TRIUMF 3rd Photowalk.
Current Events First Experiments Performed With GRIFFIN 18 December 2014 A state-of-the-art instrument for detecting and measuring gamma radiation with high efficiency and precision, GRIFFIN, became operational this year and ran its first experiments.
Current Events Forty Years of Beam! 17 December 2014 It was 40 years ago that the laboratory celebrated extraction of first beam from the 500 MeV cyclotron, the same cyclotron driving science at the lab today. The TRIUMF Alumni & Retirees Association visited to connect and learn of the present status of the lab but also to share memories of times past.
University Stories Western University Joins TRIUMF Consortium 16 December 2014 Western University joins as TRIUMF's 19th Canadian member university of the consortium that owns and operates the lab, reinforcing existing networks in nuclear medicine and materials science. Welcome!
Current Events Canada Launches ST&I Strategy 05 December 2014 Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Minister of State (S&T) Ed Holder announced the release of an updated federal science, technology and innovation strategy, with a clear vision for Canadian excellence.


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