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Experimental Result New ATLAS Measurement of the Higgs Boson 08 October 2014 The ATLAS collaboration has released the final measurement of the Higgs boson coupling to W bosons using data from the first run of the Large Hadron Collider. The newly optimized analysis studies the Higgs boson in two production modes.
Current Events E-Linac Produces First Beam 07 October 2014 TRIUMF’s newly constructed e-linac produced its first particle beam at an initial energy of 23 MeV. The cutting-edge accelerator technology was designed and built in cooperation with institutions and industry across the country.
Current Events ARIEL E-linac Meets Mega-Volt Milestones! 30 September 2014 The campaign to demonstrate 10 MV/m accelerating gradient in the SRF cavities of the e-linac injector and accelerator cryomodules achieved two critically important milestones, each meeting or exceeding design specification!
Awards & Honours Member University Lands Prestigious Chair 26 September 2014 The Honourable Ed Holder, Minister of State for Science and Technology, announced Dr. Gilles Gerbier as the new Canada Excellence Research Chair in particle astrophysics at Queen’s University, a TRIUMF member institution.
Current Events ARIEL: Beam Line Installed in Tunnel 24 September 2014 With astonishing speed, the E-Linac beam line was installed in the ARIEL tunnel. A key synergy between three offices on site, the Design Office, the Machine Shop, and the Beam Lines Group, resulted in a precise, accurate, and speedy installation.
Current Events Ambassador Rafael Barak Visits TRIUMF 22 September 2014 His Excellency Rafael Barak, Israel’s Ambassador to Canada, visited TRIUMF to foster cooperation and derive benefit from the rich history of peaceful collaboration between Israel and TRIUMF.
Awards & Honours NSERC Discovery Grant for Isotopes 19 September 2014 Iris Dillmann, a research scientist at TRIUMF, was awarded a five-year NSERC Individual Discovery Grant to support her research of neutron-rich exotic isotopes titled “Beta-delayed neutron measurements for nuclear astrophysics.”
Current Events ARIEL: All Cables Connected for E-linac! 16 September 2014 August 29th marked the final push for cable pulling efforts for ARIEL’s e-linac. Over 1,400 cables have been gathered, pulled, and connected from the e-hall roof and are ready to power and control the accelerator!
Experimental Result Postdoc Publishes Theory Breakthrough 15 September 2014 Scientists from TRIUMF and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory published a paper in the prestigious Physical Review Letters outlining a technique which for the first time enables researchers to analyze systems of three nuclear clusters in relative motion.
Experimental Result ARIEL: Switching on the (RF) Power 12 September 2014 With the mass efforts building in the Electron Hall this year, many components of the e-linac are in position and ready for operation. Klystron One and Klystron Two, the high-power continuous wave klystrons, are ready to power the cryomodules of the e-linac.


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