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Current Events Alfredo Poves: From Jules Verne to TRIUMF 04 September 2014 Get to know Alfredo Poves during his sabbatical at TRIUMF. Alfredo joins us until the end of October and is here to inspire collaboration and continue research on nuclear structure. He has a keen interest in the very exotic decay of nuclei emitting two electrons and no neutrinos.
Current Events Minister Holder Visits TRIUMF 03 September 2014 On August 25, the Honourable Ed Holder visited TRIUMF to met with members of the leadership team, including Director Jonathan Bagger, as well as researchers, engineers, and technicians during a tour of ARIEL. From STEM education to "Made in Canada" technolgy, the Minister had a peek into TRIUMF's full program.
Awards & Honours Theory PhD Student Wins Poster Session 02 September 2014 Mirko Miorelli, a PhD student at UBC and member of the Theory Group at TRIUMF, won the poster competition at the 2014 Gordon Research Conference on Photonuclear Reactions: from Quarks to Nuclei for his poster "Electric Dipole Polarizability from Coupled-Cluster Theory." Congratulations, Mirko!
From the Director Dr. Karl Erdman 15 August 2014 Dr. Karl Erdman, one of the lab's founding physicists who played a major role in its construction and development in the early years, passed away last week. His booming voice and laughter will be sorely missed by all that knew him.  
Workshops & Conferences TRIUMF Hosts Nuclear Structure 2014 15 August 2014 The 15th international conference on Nuclear Structure (NS2014) has been held from July 20-25 in the Life Science Building on the UBC campus. 174 attendees from 22 countries and 80 different institutions discussed the latest experimental and theoretical research, with emphasis on the properties of nuclei at the extremes of isospin, excitation energy, mass, and angular momentum.
Student Stories High School Fellowship Winners at TRIUMF 15 August 2014 After six weeks of hands-on research placements at TRIUMF, three distinguished high school fellows are now preparing to enter their first year of university with a unique experience straight from the laboratory.
Workshops & Conferences Japan and Canada Foster Global Cooperation 13 August 2014 The 5th Open Meeting for the Hyper-Kamiokande Project was held in Vancouver at TRIUMF and UBC. Nearly 100 scientists from across Canada, Japan, Italy, US, UK, Brazil and other partner countries participated in the meeting to encourage global collaboration for the Hyper-K project. 
Current Events Antimatter Lecture Debunks Science Fiction 01 August 2014 Antimatter is used in pop culture as a means of space propulsion (Star Trek) or destruction (Angels and Demons). In the recent Unveiling the Universe lecture, Makoto Fujiwara pointed out that antimatter is “not science fiction, it is science fact" and presented the work that trapped, studied, and understood antimatter.
Student Stories Emerging Aboriginal Scholars at TRIUMF 31 July 2014 For four years, TRIUMF has been involved with the Emerging Aboriginal Scholars program. This year, TRIUMF hosted two high school students, Genevieve Capilano from North Vancouver and Liam Gamble from Prince Rupert. Read on for accounts of their experience at the lab.  
Experimental Result Success: ARIEL E-Linac Accelerates First Beam 28 July 2014 In the year since the ARIEL building was constructed, teams across the lab have intensified efforts towards the commissioning of ARIEL’s e-linac. On July 18, the e-linac completed the first acceleration of beam through the e-linac superconducting injector cryomodule to the 10 MeV beam dump. 


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