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Awards & Honours TRIUMF’s Chemistry Connections Honoured 29 May 2014 Chemistry plays a crucial role in many areas of TRIUMF's science program. The nuclear medicine division at TRIUMF works closely with UBC's Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry group and two TRIUMF collaborators from this group have been recognized for their research excellence.
Current Events Scientists Shake Up the Richmond Library 26 May 2014 As part of a new initiative to stimulate interest in science, the Richmond Public Library has created a S&T lecture series with the inaugural talks presented by TRIUMF scientists.
Current Events Direction-Setting for U.S. Particle Physics 23 May 2014 The U.S. particle-physics community released a trend-setting report this week that outlines a compelling future vision. TRIUMF's Lia Merminga was one of the authors.
Current Events Rocky Kolb Explores Our Universe’s Origins 23 May 2014 Astrophysicist Rocky Kolb’s lecture, "The Quantum and the Cosmos," traces the significance of the smallest particles to the biggest mysteries in the universe. TRIUMF and Science World hosted this lecture as part of the Unveiling the Universe series.
Funding Announcements NSERC CREATE Funds ISOSIM Program 16 May 2014 Led by TRIUMF and UBC, and with funding from NSERC, the Isotopes for Science and Medicine program will enrich training experiences for young Canadian researchers in the production, preparation, and innovative application of isotopes.
Funding Announcements NSERC Engage Grant with Local Start-Up 12 May 2014 TRIUMF’s Nuclear Medicine group has been awarded an NSERC Engage grant to support a new collaboration with B.C.-based biotechnology start-up ImStar in the development of a promising new therapeutic drug for Lou Gehrig's disease.
Awards & Honours TRIUMF Team Wins CCS Innovation Grant 22 April 2014 Dr. Tom Ruth and UVic Ph.D. student Jason Crawford have received a Canadian Cancer Society Innovation grant to support their research on Astatine-211, an alpha-emitting radioisotope which carries great potential for the treatment of late-stage cancer.
Current Events Swiss Delegation Visits TRIUMF 22 April 2014 On April 01, Dr. Urs Obrist, Science, Research, and Education Officer of the Embassy of Switzerland, visited TRIUMF, meeting scientists with collaborations in Switzerland and experienced the lab in action during a tour.
Awards & Honours TRIUMF Joins Royal Society of Canada 17 April 2014 On April 1, 2014, TRIUMF was formally admitted as an institutional member of the Royal Society of Canada, the senior Canadian collegium of distinguished scholars, artists, and scientists.
Experimental Result E-Linac Moves into the E-Hall 11 April 2014 All hands are on deck this spring as the Accelerator Division concentrates their efforts on the installation and assembly of the electron linear accelerator, the state-of-the-art equipment at the heart of ARIEL, TRIUMF's new facility for the production of rare isotopes.


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