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Current Events TRIUMF Taken By Storm 05 March 2014 Last week, TRIUMF was briefly buried under a rare, late-season snowfall. It was up to TRIUMF's Plant Group to clear the snow before temperatures warmed up again and turned the snow into dangerous ice.
Workshops & Conferences Nuclear Structure Workshop at TRIUMF 28 February 2014 From February 18-21, TRIUMF’s Theory Group hosted the Nuclear Structure and Reactions: Experimental and Ab Initio Theoretical Perspectives workshop. Forty scientists gathered to share their latest results, exchange new ideas, and establish new collaborations.
Awards & Honours Suwa Award Honours T2K Team 25 February 2014 The 2013 Suwa Award was presented to the J-PARC Neutrino Beam Group last week in Japan, to celebrate the achievement of the world’s highest-intensity neutrino beam, used in the T2K experiment.
From the Director Erich W. Vogt (1929-2014) 19 February 2014 A pioneer and founder of TRIUMF and an inspiration in physics and life to many, Erich W. Vogt passed away peacefully this morning at Vancouver General Hospital.
Experimental Result T2K Publishes Electron Neutrino Appearance 13 February 2014 A new electron neutrino appearance result from the T2K collaboration was published this week, bringing researchers one step closer to answering one of the greatest puzzles of particle physics: why is there more matter than antimatter in our universe?
Current Events UCN Project Takes Big Step Forward 13 February 2014 During this annual shutdown period, the Ultra-Cold Neutron (UCN) project kicks off construction of their state-of-the-art experimental area, "excavating" the shielding blocks in the southwestern Meson Hall for the first time since 1978.
Current Events BC Ministers Take a Close Look 12 February 2014 The Honourable Amrik Virk, Minister of Advanced Education, and the Honourable Andrew Wilkinson, Minister of Technology, Innovation, and Citizens’ Services, visited TRIUMF last week and learned about the progress underway at ARIEL.
Funding Announcements Federal Budget 2014 and TRIUMF 11 February 2014 TRIUMF welcomes the Federal Government's commitment to science and technology in Budget 2014. We look forward to working together on an enhanced program of operating support as well as new opportunities.
Current Events TRIUMF Scientist is an Open Book 06 February 2014 TRIUMF scientist Dr. Tom Ruth shared the excitement of a research career with students during the Human Library event at John Oliver Secondary School.
Awards & Honours Antimatter Team Wins Polanyi Prize 03 February 2014 For its role in creating, trapping, and studying atoms of antihydrogen, the ALPHA Canada team led by TRIUMF's Makoto Fujiwara has received the NSERC John C. Polanyi Prize.


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