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Awards & Honours ATLAS Student Wins Chamberlain Fellowship 31 January 2014 TRIUMF graduate student Simon Viel is the recipient of one of the most prestigious fellowships in particle physics, the Chamberlain Fellowship at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 
University Stories Looking Back at "Atom-Smashing" 23 January 2014 As TRIUMF's cyclotron celebrates its 40th year in operation, we look back at the history of cyclotron development in Canada, beginning with McGill's 100 MeV synchrocyclotron. 
Workshops & Conferences Collaboration Abounds at Cosmology Meeting 21 January 2014 Several members of TRIUMF's Theory Group attended the Vancouver-area Cosmology Meeting on Friday January 17, 2014 to share ideas and discuss new research developments.
Current Events Minister of State (S&T) Rickford Visits 10 January 2014 On January 8, 2014, the Honourable Greg Rickford, Minister of State for Science and Technology toured TRIUMF to see examples of basic research, technology, and applications to industry and health care.
From the Director Colin Gay to Head UBC Dept 21 December 2013 UBC's Professor Colin Gay has been named as chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy for a 5.5 year term; Colin chairs TRIUMF's PPAC committee.
Funding Announcements CISCO Systems Invests In PIF&NIF 21 December 2013 A team of researchers from Cisco Systems, Inc. visited TRIUMF to conduct tests at the newly upgraded beam line of the proton and neutron irradiation facility. Cisco made investments with coordination through AAPS Inc. 
Current Events Breakthroughs at ARIEL 12 December 2013 Three critical developments in the ARIEL project have been completed. The e-gun, the first cavity and the cold box are all ready thereby keeping the e-linac on track for completion by the end of next year.
Current Events Roney Appointed as IPP Director 06 December 2013 TRIUMF congratulates Dr. Michael Roney from the University of Victoria, a leader of the BaBar collaboration, on his appointment as director of the Institute of Particle Physics.
Experimental Result Laser Group Develops New Technique 05 December 2013 The laser spectroscopy group had its latest paper accepted into PRL. Francium isotopes are explored and a new experimental technique developed, paving the way for this recent success.
Current Events Schaffer's Lecture Unveils the Universe 03 December 2013 As part of the “Unveiling the Universe” lecture series, Dr. Paul Schaffer delivered a captivating talk on the science behind medical isotope production, how those isotopes are used today, and how they could be used in the future.


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