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From the Director Nigel Lockyer to be Next Fermilab Director 20 June 2013 TRIUMF's Director, Nigel Lockyer has been selected to become the next director of Fermliab in the U.S. He will be stepping into this new role in the autumn. 
From the Director TRIUMF Joins TECC Board 18 June 2013 TRIUMF was recently invited to join the Technology Education and Careers Council for the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia professional association.
Awards & Honours Jamie Forrest Awarded Brockhouse Medal 10 June 2013 UWaterloo researcher Jamie Forrest and colleague Kari Dalnoki-Veress honoured for their work in dynamics and morphology of confined soft materials by the Canadian Association of Physicists.
Current Events New Milestone for Tc-99m Production 09 June 2013 With Canadian-developed tools and technology, a national team led by TRIUMF has reached a crucial milestone at the BC Cancer Agency in developing and deploying alternatives for supplying the key medical isotope Tc-99m.
Current Events Tom Ruth Appointed to UN IAEA Board 06 June 2013 Dr. Tom Ruth has been appointed for a two-year term to serve as a healthcare expert to the international agency whose mission is to promote safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear technologies.
Awards & Honours Doug Storey Honoured by NSERC 04 June 2013 UVic Ph.D. candidate Doug Storey announced as a winner of the NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship for his work in accelerator physics at TRIUMF. Congratulations! 
Current Events CERN Council Renews Strategy for Physics 30 May 2013 The CERN Council formally adopted an update to the European strategy for particle physics, noting that cross-border collaboration in science pays dividends for Europe in terms of knowledge, innovation, education and training.
Student Stories Collaboration Advances Target Technology 28 May 2013 UBC Mechanical Engineering students collaborated with TRIUMF's Applied Technology Group for a fourth year capstone project- a new universal modular design for target stations within the beam line from the cyclotron. 
Current Events Science Cheers for Europe Day 23 May 2013 On Europe Day – a widely celebrated day in Europe- key speakers were invited to a symposium held at UBC campus to discuss Canadian and European cultural and economic ties through the lens of science and history. 
Student Stories TRIUMF Awards Top Undergraduates 21 May 2013 Four of Canada's top undergraduate students received this year's TRIUMF Undergraduate Summer Research Awards to honour their dedication and potential in physics and engineering research. 


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