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Current Events TRIUMF Forges European Connections 14 May 2013 The international editorial board of Nuclear Physics News met at TRIUMF for their biannual editorial board meeting to map out topics for future issues, tour TRIUMF and better understand its rare-isotope beam programs. 
Current Events McGill Formally Joins TRIUMF Family 10 May 2013 At its recent meeting, TRIUMF's Board of Management approved McGill University as an associate member of the consortium of universities that owns and operates Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics.
Experimental Result CERN-ISOLDE Reports Pear-Shaped Nuclei 09 May 2013 CERN's ISOLDE collaboration recently announced progress with analyzing the shapes of heavy, rare isotopes.  TRIUMF's RadonEDM experiment will follow on the heels and is poised for dramatic progress with its Ion-Guide Laser Ion Source.
Awards & Honours SNMMI Recognizes Top Talent at TRIUMF 07 May 2013 Congratulations to Eric Price and Hua Yang on their success! Their originality and competitiveness manifest as they receive top prizes for the Nuclear Medicine sector of TRIUMF.
Current Events GANIL Team Visits TRIUMF 07 May 2013 Rare-isotope beam physics is a rapidly growing field around the world. Senior management from France's GANIL laboratory visited TRIUMF last month to discuss enhanced collaboration and partnership opportunites.
From the Director AAPS, Inc. Announces New CEO 03 May 2013 At a recent meeting of its Board of Directors, AAPS, Inc. appointed Jim Hanlon as its new CEO and President.  Jim will continue as TRIUMF's Head of the Business and Administration Division.
Awards & Honours Jens Dilling Receives Prestigious CAP Medal 02 May 2013 TRIUMF's Jens Dilling was honoured today with receipt of the prestigious 2013 CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal for Contributions to Subatomic Physics.  Congratulations!
Current Events Just 20 Years Ago Web Declared Free To All 30 April 2013 The World Wide Web has undisputedly changed how people interact, share, and explore in more ways than we could have imagined just a few decades ago. Today marks the 20th anniversary of that declaration. 
Current Events Andy White Winner in Global Photowalk 18 April 2013 Congratulations to Andy White of North Vancouver for his 2nd place winning photograph of TIGRESS, taken at the 2012 Global Particle Physics Photowalk at TRIUMF. 
Awards & Honours Aaron Gallant Awarded for Excellence 12 April 2013 For his outstanding research in nuclear structures, Aaron Gallant was awarded the 2013 Dr. Carl H. Wescott Memorial Fellowship.


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