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Current Events CFI Visits TRIUMF 29 November 2012 CFI paid a visit to TRIUMF on Wednesday to get a personal look at some of the projects they've supported as well as to learn how TRIUMF manages its portfolio of research, training, and innovation.
Awards & Honours T2K Experiment Honoured in France 26 November 2012 The T2K collaboration was recently selected for high honours by the French magazine “La Recherche.” This prize celebrates the physics accomplishment and the clear, precise language of the paper.
Current Events Isotopes Go International in India 12 November 2012 TRIUMF's India partner VECC held an international conference last week on rare-isotope science, showcasing a counterpart to Canada's ARIEL called ANURIB.
Experimental Result Revealing: Science from Art from Science 27 October 2012 Artists in Vancouver have been wrestling with a topic in particle physics; learn about the topic, see their work, and listen to a panel discussion on Nov 1-3 at Emily Carr University at Granville Island.
Current Events Future Science Leaders make an Impact 23 October 2012 As part of the Future Science Leaders program with Science World, TRIUMF had the opportunity to host two very talented young students. 
Current Events Past TRIUMF Student at TEDxKidsBC 19 October 2012 Tomorrow, Nick Zacchia, a past TRIUMF co-op student, will be giving the opening talk for this year's TEDxKidsBC event, titled "Tips for Building Your Next Particle Accelerator."
Experimental Result Precise Measurements of Francium Made 12 October 2012 Annika Voss, part of the Laser Spectroscopy Group, writes about a recently completed experiment where the first high-resolution measurement of atomic hyperfine spectra in three new isotopes of Francium were made. 
Awards & Honours 152nd Nobel Symposium Invites Jens Dilling 11 October 2012 On June 13, Jens Dilling attended the 152nd Nobel Symposium in Gothenburg, Sweden. The Nobel Symposia is a program that brings together world experts to discuss breakthroughs and progress in areas of science.
Current Events Your Friendly Neighbourhood Physics Lab 05 October 2012 TRIUMF outdid itself in community involvement this September.  In two community festivals the fantastic people at TRIUMF have engaged these communities with who we are and what we do.
Current Events U.K. Launches Physics Journalism Award 04 October 2012 The U.K. has created a new high-value prize (including an all-expenses paid trip to Japan) for journalists, based on the year's best reported story on physics. 


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