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Workshops & Conferences A Unique Collision at TRIUMF 28 September 2012 An entirely different type of experiment is happening. It includes researchers, artists, and a random-number generator using birds. 
Current Events Canada is Physics Powerhouse 27 September 2012 Canada's top six fields of research include physics and astronomy, driven in part by particle & nuclear physics, according to a new report.
Current Events TRIUMF Physicists Top 45 Over 45 24 September 2012 Zoomer Magazine released its third annual list of Canada's Top 45 Over 45: TRIUMF's Lockyer & UVic's McPherson share spot #17!
Workshops & Conferences TRIUMF's Annual Summer Institute 28 August 2012 TRIUMF held its annual Summer Institute from August 7 - 17, 2012.
Current Events 12th Annual Student Symposium 17 August 2012 The winners of the 12th annual Summer Student Symposium have been announced.
Student Stories Carmen's Corner: Protons & Neutrons 13 August 2012 During her last week at TRIUMF, Carmen spent time wtih Conny Hoehr to learn about proton therapy and the PIF & NIF facility. 
Student Stories Carmen's Corner: Test, Meet, Repeat 06 August 2012 This week, Carmen spent time with Greg Hackman testing the Bragg detector, and testing LED lights for the experiment. 
Current Events Minister Fast Visits TRIUMF 01 August 2012 On July 27, Honourable Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade and MP for Abbotsford, BC, together with Vancouver MP, Wai Young, came to visit TRIUMF.
Student Stories Carmen's Corner: Fixing Drift Chambers 31 July 2012 This week, Carmen has more hands-on experience at TRIUMF with a group that was fixing a drift chamber. 
Student Stories Carmen's Corner: Paper vs. Real Life 23 July 2012 This week, visiting high-school student Carmen Wong spent time learning about TRIUMF and helping with experiments with Dr. Stan Yen. 


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