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From the Director Measuring Research 28 March 2012 Measuring the quality of research--or the researcher--has long been a challenge.  The Globe & Mail has recently featured an effort to rank Canada's talent, and TRIUMF-associated stars do well.
Current Events Meet One of Canada's Smartest People 17 March 2012 Laura Suen, a TRIUMF Research Assistant, placed second in the CBC's "Canada's Smartest Person" challenge.
Workshops & Conferences Japan and Canada Muse over Slow Muons 16 March 2012 A workshop involving participants from TRIUMF and KEK convened at TRIUMF in early March to discuss J-PARC's plans for an ultra slow muon facility.
Experimental Result Now THAT's Popular 15 March 2012 Under the leadership of UBC professor Anna Celler, TRIUMF's nuclear-medicine team published an article in "Physics in Medicine and Biology" that has become one of the top-read articles.
Experimental Result Nature Physics Cover: Novel Acceleration 08 March 2012 TRIUMF accelerator physicists contribute to an advance that made the cover of March 2012 Nature Physics.  The breakthrough pertains to a novel acceleration technique.
Current Events Students From Singapore Visit TRIUMF 08 March 2012 High school students and their teacher, former TRIUMF scientist, Joe Vaz, visited TRIUMF earlier in the year to see physics in action.
Experimental Result Daya Bay Collab Measures Neutrinos 07 March 2012 The international Daya Bay Collaboration reports on an elusive neutrino property, confirming and enhancing early results from the Canada/Japan measurements from the T2K collaboration.
Experimental Result Canadian-led Research Zaps Antimatter 07 March 2012 The ALPHA Collaboration released new results today in Nature. They have successfully manipulated antihydrogen atoms with microwaves. 
Experimental Result Fermilab Narrows in on the Higgs 07 March 2012 Using different search techniques, physicists at Fermilab see hints of Higgs boson sighting consistent with those from LHC.
Experimental Result Faster-than-light Neutrinos Under Scrutiny 05 March 2012 The controversial results of the faster-than-light neutrino experiment performed at CERN may be due to GPS technical issues.


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