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Planning Experiments


Experiment Program Dates

Next EEC Meetings:

The next NP-EEC meeting is July 22nd and 23rd, 2024.
The next MMS-EEC meeting is January 15th and 16th, 2024.
The next PP-EEC meeting is May 2, 2024.
The next LSPEC meeting is June 21st and 22nd, 2024.

EEC Submission Deadlines:


Ahead of the submission deadline, Spokespersons must request an experiment number from the Physical Sciences Division office by a specified date, typically 1-2 weeks before proposals are due. Requests received after that time will not be processed.

The deadline to request an experiment number for the upcoming NP-EEC is Wednesday, December 6th, 2023 at 16:00 PST.

The deadline to submit a new or continuing proposal for the upcoming NP-EEC is Friday, December 15th, 2023 at 23:59 PST.


Ahead of the submission deadline, Spokespersons must request an experiment number from the Physical Sciences Division office by a specified date, typically 1-2 weeks before proposals are due. Requests received after that time will not be processed.

The deadline to request an experiment number for the upcoming MMS-EEC is Friday, December 1st, 2023 at 16:30 PST.

The deadline to submit a new or continuing proposal for the upcoming MMS-EEC is Wednesday, December 6th at 23:59 PST.


The deadline for PP-EEC submissions is TBD in 2024.


The deadline for LSPEC submissions is April 30th, 2024.

Beam Schedule Deadlines:

We are no longer accepting beam requests for Beam Schedule 145 (October 4th - December 21, 2023).

Previous EEC Meetings:

The last NP-EEC Meeting was July 27th and 28th, 2023.
The last MMS-EEC Meeting was August 1st and 2nd, 2023.
The last PP-EEC Meeting was April 18th, 2023.
The last LSPEC Meeting was June 1st and 2nd, 2023.

Resources For Planning Experiments

Beams at TRIUMF

Experimental Program Wikis

Additional Resources

TRIUMF Isotope Database
Information on radioactive ion beam yields from ISAC and ARIEL, targets and simulated production rates

ISAC Yield Database
Legacy data on radioactive ion beam yields from ISAC targets

ISAC Beam Development Plan
last updated April 11, 2014

OLIS Web Tool
Information on stable ion beams from the ISAC Off-Line Ion Source facility.

CSB Guidelines

CSB Web Tool

Experimenter's Guide Wiki


TSOP-07 Experiment Management Physical Sciences Division
requires TRIUMF Login from off-site

TSOP-14 Approval of Experiments for the Life Sciences Division 
requires TRIUMF Login from off-site

Email Announcements
sign up for the experimental-program and/or mms-experimental-program listserve; the listserve is for all announcements regarding the experimental program at TRIUMF, i.e. for meetings of the Experiment Evaluation Committee reviews (EEC), beam requests, beam schedules, etc.

List of Facility Coordinators 
requires TRIUMF Login from off-site

How to Submit a Proposal

Nuclear Physics Experiments Evaluation Committee (NP-EEC) Process

Particle Physics Experiments Evaluation Committee (NP-EEC) Process

Molecular & Materials Science Experiments Evaluation Committee (MMS-EEC) Process

PIF/NIF/MIF Users (please read first)

Life Sciences Projects Evaluation Committee (LSPEC) Process

Experiment Approval

EEC & LSPEC Meetings

About EEC & LSPEC Committees

Access pages for EEC & LSPEC Committee Members

Call for Submissions & Agendas

EEC Reports Archive (requires TRIUMF Login)

Beam Readiness Reports & Special Presentations

About the Experiment Evaluation Committees

Life Sciences Projects (LSPEC)

Molecular & Materials Science Experiments Evaluation Committee (MMS-EEC)

Nuclear Physics Experiments Evaluation Committee (NP-EEC)

Particle Physics Experiments Evaluation Committee (PP-EEC)

View Experiments (requires TRIUMF Login - for Committee Members only)





Beam Time at TRIUMF

Request Beam Time for all approved experiments and related tests

Page maintained by Allayne McGowan and and Gloria Botelho