TRIUMF leads in science by combining highly trained, skilled personnel with challenging, cutting-edge research questions.
BeamlinesThe Beamline Group maintains the infrastructure for the primary beamline structures, their magnets, and other devices. | Information Systems & Technology (IST)From networking to intensive data acquisition, processing, and storage, TRIUMF has experts. | Design OfficeThe Design Office translates research concepts and scientists' intentions into drawings, models, and tools ready for building. |
Science Technology Dept.The Science-Technology Department develops and deploys the best technology for "seeing" particles and how they interact. | DiagnosticsWhere is the beam and what is it doing? This team monitors and controls. | EngineeringFrom designing to building to operating and maintaining, the engineering team is involved in making this work well. |
Operations (RIB ops & driver ops)Every hour of every day of the year, the Operations team ensures the safe, secure, and optimal performance of TRIUMF's accelerators, beam lines, and the entire site.
| Radiation ProtectionThe RPG provide site-wide oversight on all aspects of radiation safety, monitoring of TRIUMF's radioactive emissions and their environmental impact, radiation protection training, and radioactive materials handling and transport. | Applied Technology (ATG) This group operates three compact cyclotrons for the production of medical isotopes |