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Science Technology Department

Our core mission is supporting the physics community in bringing to reality their project by providing technical resources for the design, construction, and commissioning of experiments and other apparatus.An associated mission is the development of new technologies that we foresee as enablers of future discoveries and as having strong potential for applications outside physics research. Our current focus in on light detection for application requiring single photon detection at high speed.

To request assistance from the Science Technology Department:
  1. Please fill this form. Information regarding the scope of the project and schedule are to be specified. We encourage you to be as specific as possible on your demand in order to evaluate correctly our possible involvement.
  2. You will be contacted after the initial review of the request for the outcome of the demand. Note that depending on the size of the scope or the Science Tech. resource allocation requirements, a Triumf Gate Review procedure may be initiated.
  3. In the case the Sc.Tech. assistance has been granted, you will be given access to our project tracking tool, on which communication with the involved Sc.Tech. group will take place until completion of the project.

The Science Technology Department is lead by Fabrice Retière and is composed of 4 groups covering the whole aspect of an experiment, from the design to the running stage.

From the initial experiment idea to the running experiment, the different Science Technology groups encompass the most aspect of its realisation.

We acknowledge the support of Cadence Software for the Science Technology department.

Science Technology Project List:


  • IRIS
  • T2K
  • TREK
  • uSR 3T
  • DEAP-3600
  • SuperCDMS
  • Alpha-G 
  • ATLAS LAr electronics
  • UCN
  • nEXO (Snolab, Ontario, Canada)
  • HYPER-K (Kamiokande, Japan)