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Executive Meeting | January 20, 1999


TO: PSRC DATE: January 27, 1999.
RE: PSRC Meeting Notes Wednesday January 20, 1999.
Attendance: K. Reiniger, J. Drozdoff, E. Driessen, R. Ruegg, P. Stewart, A. Hurst, J. Hanlon


PPR and Salary Administration :

Jim Hanlon reported on the PPR process. The division heads had been quite busy throughout the Fall with the ISAC review committee. Consequently the PPR process was a late getting going and there were some concerns expressed that there was not much time available. The supervisors did very well to perform their reviews, complete the forms and return them to Human Resources. Next year, the PPR forms will be issued at the end of June, to be done and returned in July and August for consistency reviews to be done in September with the awards given immediately afterwards. The distribution throughout the various divisions has been posted, but Jim did not have the statistics for the P&S staff. The site average rating turned out to be 3.7. The resulting bonuses were: $150 for a 3 rating, $300 for a 4 rating and $500 for a 5 rating. In addition TRIUMF gave a $100 Christmas bonus to all staff. All employees rated at 5 have been flagged for possible reclassification. Some 4s may also be due for reclassification. HR will be looking through the ratings for various problems. Those who have received low ratings have been contacted and will be expected to be able to improve to meet expectations. Borderline ratings will be identified to watch out for possible repeat `downgrades'.

For the P&S group, Jim has received one request for a rating review and knows of another that may be brought forward.

The work plans are to be prepared in February.

Future salary administration is under review; HR has proposed 4 employee groupings: Administrative Support, Technical Support, Scientific Support and Scientists. These will be used to compare with the prevailing rates in the labour market. TRIUMF must use a salary model that is meaningful for NRC and Treasury Board. TRIUMF will be using information from the Towers Perrin HR consulting services which tracks salary and benefits statistics for a very wide range of companies including institutions such as hospitals, universities and government agencies. Also, Treasury Board is in the process of revising Canadian government employee salary administration, and will be providing information and some help to TRIUMF.

Jim discussed using a scheme with three salary `pots': one for scale increases; one for performance bonuses; and one for career progress including range step increases and reclassifications. There are provisions for the first two pots, but not the third. But a request has been included in the five year plan which will start in FY 2000/2001. Until then, Jim has recommended to the division heads, that they use the budgeted salary money for scale and merit increases, and find somewhere the money for career progress. The TRIUMF Board of Management has requested that TRIUMF have salary planning in place prior to the next 5 year plan. When a working compensation system is in place, inequities would normally only need to be addressed at the beginning of each 5 year plan.

Policies and Procedures:

HR has incorporated the comments received regarding the new policy ,manual and a revised `green book' has been given to the Personnel subcommittee of the Board of Management. There are a few issues outstanding related to sabbatical leaves, career progress and tenure, but these will be addressed later.

P&S Annual General Meeting:

The traditional December meeting was not held. There should be one within a few weeks - after a call for nominations to replace the members whose terms have expired.