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Executive Meeting | March 17, 2004


To: Roman Ruegg PSRC Chair

Date: 17th. March, 2004

From: John Drozdoff PSRC Secretary

Present were: R. Ruegg, A. Hurst, L. DeCaire, J. Drozdoff, J. Orzechowski, R. Moore, S. Austen.

Absent: Curtis Ballard, Anne Trudel.


TRIUMF Alumni Retirement Benefits' Proposal:

Roy Moore distributed a revised copy of a `TRIUMF Alumni Retirement Benefits' proposal dated March 11. The earlier version, dated February 26, had been modified after a meeting with TELC representatives. The PSRC reviewed the document and made four recommendations after considerable discussion:

  • that item 8, regarding membership in the Ski Club, be deleted as a separate item and incorporated into item 4 (i.e.. `social activities and clubs')
  • that TRIUMF staff eligibility for free access to the UBC library be confirmed before retaining the benefit as item 2
  • that item 4, be deleted.
  • that the words `at TRIUMF rates' be added to item 8, regarding the rental facilities at TRIUMF House.

Roy Moore will revise and recirculate the proposal to PSRC members and will also send a copy to Rick Baartman, Chair of the BAE employee group.

PSRC Constitution (Proposed Changes):

Roman Ruegg reviewed the logistics associated with handling requests from the PSRC membership such as proposals to change the composition of the PSRC itself. A simple majority vote is sufficient to approve minor changes however most societies require a larger majority, such as two-thirds or even three-quarters, to approve changes which effect a Constitution.

This led to further discussion about the composition of the PSRC and how to maintain continuity in the committee while at the same time facilitating the participation of new members. A number of specific scenarios were examined, among them the possibility of a Member-at-Large resigning during the middle of their term to run for the position of Chair which could conceivably be open.

It appeared that most situations could be best addressed by changing the PSRC election process so that all positions were up for re-election every two years. The presence of the ex-officio provides sufficient continuity.

Motion by Andy Hurst: That elections for all seven PSRC members be held bi-annually.

Seconded: Jozef Orzechowski

It was further agreed that a two-thirds majority was a reasonable requirement to approve changes that alter the PSRC Constitution.

Other Business:

Finally, Roman Ruegg reported that Josie Farrell had sent an informational memo to the Chairs of both the PSRC and ELC, stating that Noel Giffin's position had been changed from ERA to P&S status.

The memo also stated that the Human Resources review of potential classification anomalies was now complete.