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Annual General Meeting | January 15, 2009

P&S Annual General Meeting for 2008

January 15, 2009, 13:00: Main Auditorium


Jim Hanlon, Manager, Human Resources and Administration

Shirley Reeve, Chief Financial Officer


Stu Austen introduced and thanked each outgoing PSRC member for their contribution, noting that Ann Fong had left the Committee during the year after her transfer to the AAPS.  He then reviewed some of the Committee’s work since the last AGM, remarking that there had been some success in maintaining the status quo for compensation although it would continue to be an issue for the PSRC.  He also noted the passing of legislation abolishing mandatory retirement and the Board of Management’s decision that TRIUMF handle the matter as it sees fit.  To conclude, he reminded the membership that UBC members had voted in favour of the proposed pension plan changes based on a benefit formula of 1.8% of earnings.

Shirley Reeve took the floor to provide a pension plan update.  The changes affect everybody differently, but she pointed out that no one can have a benefit taken away or `suffer diminishment’ in any way.  Although she was no longer a member of the plan’s Board of Directors she still had ties to the organization and commented that the office was very accessible to anyone with concerns or questions.

She provided some reassurance about the state of the plan’s finances in light of the current worldwide financial situation.

Jim Hanlon delivered a Powerpoint presentation that he introduced as `an overview of what makes TRIUMF work’.  Of particular importance was the information that plans for 2009 Performance Reviews and salary increases had not been finalized.  He also referred to the successful implementation of job families and pay scales for technical staff, noting the process for determine families and scales will now be applied to administration and clerical staff.

A copy of the presentation will be made available to the PSRC.

Stu followed the scheduled agenda for the meeting and called for a motion to approve the minutes of the 2007 AGM.  The minutes were adopted by an overwhelming majority of the membership.

An earlier call for new PSRC members to replace the dissolved 2008 Committee had resulted in one name, Niki Martin, who accepted her nomination.  Most other previous members agreed to participate in their earlier roles and Colin Morton accepted a nomination from the floor.  The 2009 PSRC, therefore, consists of: Stu Austen (Chair), Mike Mouat (Vice-Chair), Roman Ruegg (Ex-officio), Curtis Ballard, John Drozdoff, Niki Martin, Colin Morton, and Brenda Morrey,

Stu brought the meeting to a close with a reference to the Five Year Plan and the challenges it potentially presented.

The meeting adjourned at 14:00.