What we do
TRIUMF's Beam Delivery Group assists with the delivery of beams to experimental facilities at TRIUMF with a particular focus on the delivery of beams at TRIUMF's rare isotope beam facility, ISAC. The group's primarily role is one of coordination between experimenters, RIB (ISAC, ARIEL) and Driver (Cyclotron, E-Linac) Operations, and support groups. Group members also provide expert-level support for beam tuning, run planning, and other related activities.
The Beam Delivery Group is responsible for maintaining an online guide for experimenters at TRIUMF, the purpose of which is to provide the information necessary to allow a user of the lab to propose, plan, and run an experiment at TRIUMF. That guide can be found here:
TRIUMF: Guide for experimenters (opens in a new window)
Page maintained by Beam Delivery