Together They Will Advance Cyclotron and Medical-Isotope Technologies
News Release | For Immediate Release | December 16, 2010, 10:00 a.m. PST
(Vancouver, BC) -- Advanced Cyclotron Systems, Inc. (ACSI), a leading designer, manufacturer, and installer of cyclotrons, is pleased to announce that it has partnered with Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics, TRIUMF, in order to advance cyclotron and accelerator technologies and to promote the use of such technologies in providing better healthcare to British Columbians and all Canadians.
Richard Eppich, CEO and President of ACSI, said: “Through this partnership, ACSI and TRIUMF will not only accelerate the development of their own individual projects, but will take aim at larger causes – scientific progress and the improvement of Canada’s healthcare system.” ACSI’s cyclotrons, for example, produce medical radioisotopes that are used in PET/CT scans – which provide accurate pre-treatment detection of cancerous tumours. An ACSI machine was installed and commissioned at the BC Cancer Agency just a few months ago.
ACSI and the TRIUMF lab, which is owned and operated by a consortium of 16 Canadian universities, will work together to seek third-party funding on new projects that advance accelerator and cyclotron technologies. Such technologies are integral to enhancing the treatment and management of certain diseases that afflict Canadians.
Nigel Lockyer, Director of TRIUMF, said: “We’re excited by this new level of partnership with ACSI because it connects the lab’s technical knowledge, skills, and abilities with a world-class partner in the Canadian private sector. Together, we will generate new ideas and new products that will benefit Canadians and provide export opportunities to the rest of the world.”
In exchange for ACSI’s support in strengthening TRIUMF’s public profile as Canada’s premiere centre for accelerator science and technology, TRIUMF will support ACSI’s efforts to design cyclotrons and to sell them throughout Canada and the world. ACSI will have access to TRIUMF personnel who can provide scientific, engineering and technical assistance related to the research and development of existing and next-generation cyclotrons.
For Editors
TRIUMF is Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics. Located on the south campus of the University of British Columbia, TRIUMF is owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of the following Canadian universities, via a contribution through the National Research Council Canada: University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, Carleton University, University of Guelph, University of Manitoba, McMaster University, University of Northern British Columbia, Université de Montréal, Queen’s University, University of Regina, Saint Mary’s University, Simon Fraser University, University of Toronto, University of Victoria, and York University.
Advanced Cyclotron Systems, Inc. (ACSI, Inc.) is a leading manufacturer of high-output cyclotrons used for commercial production and distribution of PET and SPECT radioisotopes. ACSI continues to build on its industry dominant position, having supplied and installed all of the SPECT cyclotrons sold in North America in the past 15 years. It is estimated that over 90% of the cyclotron-produced SPECT radioisotopes used in North America are produced using ACSI’s cyclotrons. ACSI customers are many of the world’s major radioisotope producers, including Nordion, Covidien and GE Healthcare.
Media Contacts
Tim Meyer Richard Eppich
Head, Strategic Planning & Communications CEO & President
TRIUMF Advanced Cyclotron Systems Inc.
Tel: 604.222.7674 Tel: 604.278.5578
Cell: 650.464.8955 Cell: 778.998.0281
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