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Science Ambassador Program

Public tours are offered to increase public awareness of TRIUMF and its scientific and technical program.

Science Ambassadors are TRIUMF representatives and often may be the only point of contact between the general public and the lab.  Consequently, it is imperative that the Science Ambassadors represent TRIUMF in the best way possible to the public.


  • Actively engage visitors and communicate in a cheerful and welcoming manner
  • Answer visitor questions as accurately as possible
  • Ensure the safety and convenience of the tour group
  • Relay TRIUMF's vision and mission

Code of Conduct 

  • Maintain a presentable appearance with visitors, dressing tidily and appropriately
  • Exhibit a welcoming disposition, refraining from foul or hostile language
  • Commit to at least one tour per month
Becoming a Science Ambassador

Science Ambassadors are expected to be comfortable with the guidelines set out in the Science Ambassador Program Manual and the TRIUMF Vision and Mission Statements, and have a reasonable grasp of the TRIUMF scientific and technical program. Prospective Ambassadors will complete a training program by first accompanying several tours, followed by leading a tour (or tours),  under the guidance of experienced guides.  


For more information on the program, please contact