This page contains resources to help TRIUMF's community navigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
TRIUMF has experienced a reduced rate of COVID infection over the past five weeks. In light of this downward trend, and the recent lifting of the ArriveCAN requirements for visitors to Canada by the Federal Government, we have determined that it is the right time to re-evaluate our COVID measures.
Please read the following Operations reminders carefully:
Effective October 1, 2022, the following COVID measures will be in place at TRIUMF:
Appointees continue to require vaccination proof through THRIVE
Visitors do not require vaccination proof
Contractors do not require vaccination proof
Tour, conference, and event participants do not require vaccination proof
Masks remain a personal choice, and TRIUMF continues to encourage everyone to be sympathetic to the wishes of those around them
Mask usage is encouraged for large meetings (over 20 participants)
COVID-positive reporting to HR and and the 5-day isolation period following positive test confirmation remains in place, in accordance with BCCDC guidelines
TRIUMF will continue to monitor the COVID situation and Provincial and Federal guidance and adjust our COVID safety measures as required. If you have any questions, please reach out via the COVID Task Force inbox at
What to do if you test positive for COVID-19:
Please stay home and contact your supervisor and Occupational Health and Safety (via immediately to communicate the results. Do NOT email the COVID Task Force ( Any supervisors who receive a report of positive cases within their teams must also share this information with OHS and Human Resources (via to ensure the information is appropriately collected, recorded, and communicated.
For TRIUMF community members recovering from symptoms, please consult the Return to Work Flowchart.
Other resources
Rapid tests: Rapid tests kits are now available in many local pharmacies (please see to those age 18 and above. A limited number of test kits are also available on-site; please contact Rock Neveau or Terry Sanghera to arrange pickup. We encourage everyone to obtain the test kits and to use them if they are symptomatic or have been in close contact with a COVID-positive individual.
Face covering guidelines: Please remember the current face-covering guidelines:
- Face coverings are not required in previously-mandated indoor environments, such as lobbies & hallways, cubicle clusters, break areas, meeting rooms, etc.
- People may continue to wear face coverings as a personal choice. Please be respectful of your colleagues and their varying comfort levels during this transition. Consider wearing a mask when requested by others whenever possible.
- EH&S has an adequate supply of N95 masks available should anyone require them.
- Individuals with specific health concerns should initially work directly with their Supervisors and respective groups. If necessary, issues & concerns cannot be effectively resolved, then contact OH&S or EHS.
- Access to the hallway area outside of the Main Control Room will continue to be posted and controlled. As before, the phone set up by the “STOP” sign posting (by the DRD computer sign-out desk) must still be used to notify a Control Room Operator of your need to access the area. After notification of your need to visit is received by the Control Room Operator, face coverings must be used when entering the Control Room Area.
If there are any questions or concerns relating to COVID-19 or these changes, please send an email to
Vaccination Verification Policy at TRIUMF
Reminder: As of October 1, 2022, the Vaccination Verification Policy remains in place at TRIUMF for appointees only. TRIUMF will continue to review the direction offered by the government and will provide regular updates to the community as guidance evolves.
Please see the following documents for important information and key deadlines:
- Human Resources Policy 40 – COVID-19 Vaccination Verification Policy & Procedure
(login required)
- Completing the Declaration & Verification via Thrive Health
- Vaccination Verification one-pager
Updates, FAQs & advisories
UpdatesRead the most recent site-wide communications and directives from the Task Force.
| COVID-19 FAQs (NEW)Frequently asked questions about TRIUMF's response to COVID-19 TRIUMF Advisories |
Protocols and guidelines
Health & Safety ProtocolsCurrent COVID-19 related health and safety protocols and directives
| Human Resources ProtocolsCurrent COVID-19 related HR protocols and directives |
Site Access ProtocolsCurrent COVID-19 related site access protocols and directives
Remote work and community resources
Remote Work Resources
| TRIUMF Community ResourcesNeed help? Want to help? Stay connected with the TRIUMF Community online: |
Contact information
COVID-19 Task ForceQuestions, concerns, or suggestions? Email | Divisional contact information |