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TRIUMF 2018 Mid-Summer Celebration

Barbecue grill with meats and vegetables

As part of our ongoing 50th-anniversary programming, TRIUMF is delighted to announce the Mid-Summer Celebration party, open to all members of the TRIUMF community and their families. We invite you to join TRIUMF staff, students, users, alumni, retirees, and families in Wesbrook Village on Friday, July 20th for an afternoon-and-into-the-evening family-friendly celebration including snacks, drinks, a complimentary BBQ dinner, outdoor games (with prizes!), and other activities, all capped off with an outdoor movie screening and fresh popcorn. 

We will also be inviting members from the local Wesbrook Village community to join us later in the evening for the outdoor movie, as a way to strengthen our connections with our neighbours up the street. We invite you to say hello to new faces at the party as we celebrate 50 years of TRIUMF together. 

Get your free tickets now: Registration is now open and can be accessed via this link and the password, "TRIUMF50",

Where: Lot 4, Wesbrook Village (see images below for map)

When: 3:00PM-11:30PM on Friday, July 20th.

What to bring: your EventBrite ticket (for your free drink), lawn chairs, picnic blankets, and any additional games you'd like to share with the community 

Please arrive at your leisure, and invite your friends and family to join as they are able, into the evening. You may choose to attend any and all events according to your schedule and availability - if you're free, we'd love to have you there!

3:00PM: TRIUMF50 'Class Photo' in front of ARIEL (sign up here)

4:00PM: Outdoor games and activities with TRIUMF community (@ Lot 4, Wesbrook Village, as per map below)

6:00PM: Dinner 

8:30PM: TRIUMF & Wesbrook Village, in partnership with the UNA, present Outdoor Movie Night 

~11:30PM: Event end

For any questions about the Mid-Summer Celebration, or for information on how to lend a hand, please contact Carla Rodrigo at x7590