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Office 365 Readiness

Please enter your First Name
Please enter your Last Name
Enter the Operating System for the computer that you will be using most of the time to access Office 365.
Choose the mail client that you normally use to send and receive emails
Were you able to successfully download and install Office 2016 from
If you answered "No" to the above question please provide the error message that you received. You can attach a screen shot using the next field if you wish.
You can attach a screenshot showing the error message you received when trying to install Office 2016 if you wish. This is not required.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
If you store your mail messages on your local computer or a network drive please indicate which method you use. If you don't know what this means the right answer is probably the default N/A
Please enter any shared/group email addresses you access such as or - it is best if we migrate those at the same time as your personal email.
Please provide a day and time that we can meet with you to complete the migration process.