- Production of radioactive species from the stripping foil; their mobility, and release as a function of temperature.
- Cyclotron Inflector optimization for acceptance and minimization of dispersion.
- Beam dynamics of cyclotron central region at the space charge limit.
- Tomographic reconstruction of phase space from wire scans.
- LIEMATH development: A mathematical tool to generate transfer maps using Mathematica.
- Cryostat Design and Implementation for RRR Study of Niobium Weld Samples.
- Development of an Automatic Tuning Algorithm for the ISAC-DTL.
- Design, Implementation, and Testing of a 1.3GHz Nine-cell Cryostat.
- Conceptual Design and Optimization of a 1MeV High-Current Injector Linac.
- Design and Implementation of a 704MHz single Cell Cavity.
- RF Coupler design for 100 KW rating suitable for multi-cell Niobium cavities applicable for electron linac.
- RF power and control requirements for the TRIUMF electron linac superconducting RF cavities.
- Modeling of the TRIUMF electron linac injector beam dynamics.
- RF control model for the superconducting electron linac at TRIUMF.
- High power laser beam coupling and transport through large mode area optical fibers for resonance ionization laser spectroscopy.
- Development of a 650MHz repetition rate, ps photoelectron source.
- Laser spectroscopy of excited atomic states (Al, Be, B) for laser resonance ionization of short lived isotopes.
- Laser spectroscopy of autoionising atomic states.
- Development of a radiofrequency-quadrupole assisted laser-ion- source for isobar suppression.
- Study of field distribution and understanding spark in TRIUMF main cyclotron with an aim to increase beam current and improve reliability of the machine operation.
- Optimizing multi-cell cavity design for electron linac with regard to frequency, number of cells, beam aperture, beam current and HOM power.
- RF power and control requirements for a 1 MeV heavily beam-loaded RF cavity.
- Characterization of a laser-ion-source test stand with radiofrequency-quadrupole mass filter.
- Development of a high repetition rate chromium forsterite laser for laser resonance ionization spectroscopy.
- Design of a next generation, production-type, high repetition rate, tuneable, titanium sapphire laser.
- Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) studies.
- Electron linac beam instrumentation.
- Modelling of the TRIUMF beam lines with advanced simulation tools such as G4Beamline and possibly FLUKA (used in Betabeam studies).
- Computational study of H- injection in the CERN PS2.
- Study of an ion storage/production ring to be sited at TRIUMF.
- New "geometric" tracking methods in support of large-scale multiparticle simulations.
For more information regarding these Accelerator Division topics, please email the Accelerator Division at acceldiv@triumf.ca