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TRIUMF 20-Year Vision

Download the TRIUMF 20-Year Vision now: Discovery and Innovation for a Better World: Our 20-Year Vision 2022-2042

The TRIUMF 20-year Vision has several major functions:

  • To articulate TRIUMF’s ambitions for future accomplishments with respect to Science & Technology, People & Skills, and Innovation & Collaboration.
  • To describe the long-term facilities development, consistent with TRIUMF’s Vision, Mission, and its Strategic Plan. The 20-year Vision will allow TRIUMF to update its facilities plan so that all future developments are consistent with the updated Master Plan.
  • To involve and inform TRIUMF’s community and stakeholders. The plan provides clarity and a better understanding of the developments proposed at TRIUMF so that stakeholders have meaningful information to base their planning on and to engage us about their plans


The vision has been developed with the input of numerous stakeholders from TRIUMF, member universities, as well as national and international partner institutions. The TRIUMF 20-year Vision is a long-term, guiding document which provides a framework for the development of the next 5-year Strategic Plan 2025-2030. The 20-year Vision will be refreshed on a regular basis with a rolling 20-year perspective in mind (for example, the Vision could be revisited at the beginning of each new 5-year funding period). Each major initiative or development will have to be considered on its own merits and in the context of current circumstances at that time.

To learn more about the TRIUMF 20-Year Vision development process, please visit the development archive page here.