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Guiding Principles: Appendix

Each Topical Group will be asked to solicit input to address the Guiding Questions in the context of their respective topical perspectives. The questions will also form the basis of an online survey to the broad community. 

The following sample of potential input and follow-up questions will be provided to each Topical Group in order to stimulate their considerations:

What is TRIUMF today? What does it do? What might be differentiators in the future?

      • Canada’s particle accelerator centre, funded primarily by the federal government, featuring collection of different accelerators located on 13-acre complex on UBC campus in BC
      • Multidisciplinary research in Nuclear and Particle Physics, Quantum Materials, and Life Sciences enabled by Accelerator Science, Quantum Technologies, and Data Science
      • Serves the needs of Canadian universities and gives Canada a “ticket” to be part of global Big Science projects: ATLAS, Hyper K, etc.
      • Focus on multidisciplinary applied projects requiring a broad set of skills, e.g. scientific, engineering, technical, administrative, etc.
      • Highly sought-after hands-on programs for the learners along the whole talent pipeline
      • Produces medical isotopes for patients, in partnership with BWXT and for UBC/BCC (BC Research Community), and creates and incubates accelerator-technology based spinoff companies
      • How is TRIUMF positioned in comparison to Canadian government?

What trends and changes will shape TRIUMF’s future?

      • AI, Robotics, VR, Quantum Computing
      • Personalized Medicine: Therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals and diagnostics
      • Globalization, climate change, environment, energy, sustainability
      • Virtual meetings/collaboration/learning
      • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
      • Commercialization revenues may result in greater research autonomy

What will TRIUMF have accomplished? What achievements will we be proud of?

      • Nobel/Breakthrough Prize winning research performed at TRIUMF or with major TRIUMF contributions?
      • Achieved diverse representation at all levels and areas of TRIUMF, from students, to scientific and technical staff, management and board of directors, making TRIUMF an Employer of Choice
      • Viewed as a prestigious training ground and talent pipeline for Canada 20-Year Vision
      • Efficient and effective waste management program
      • Successful start-ups from incubator space with radiation handling capabilities
      • Millions of cancer patients successfully treated with TRIUMF isotopes, Facilities for patient
      • imaging? clinical treatment centre?
      • Multiple industry-academic collaborations leveraging TRIUMF network for projects

What will TRIUMF be doing?

      • What activities with TRIUMF be involved in?
      • What activities capture the interest and imagination of the general public?
      • Are we stopping any particular activities to enable others?
      • Multidisciplinary research: oceanography, botany, microbiology, neutron scattering, THz light source?
      • Commercial scale production of Ac-225 and next generation medical isotope
      • Aerospace testing centre with Space X, Blue Origin, Boeing
      • Robotic handling of waste and hot accelerator components

What will TRIUMF look like?

      • What buildings/equipment will be on the site?
      • What will the funding structure look like? Diversified Funding Model, not reliant on NRC?
      • What resources (financial, equipment, facilities, authority, etc.) might be required to realize this vision for TRIUMF?
      • What does the organization and its people look like? How many people on site?
      • Expanded TRIUMF Site: Isotope Valley
      • Flagship welcome centre building with philanthropic funding
      • State of the art learning centre with virtual learning capabilities (i.e. TRIUMF @ Science World)
      • Expanded research space
      • Imaging and clinical facilities
      • Incubator lab, maker space, and office space
      • Industry park space for industry-collaborations
      • State of the art, efficient waste management facilities
      • Modern, clean campus