Introduction to Particle Accelerators |
- Accelerator Survey: dc, linac, cyclotron, microtron, betatron, synchrocyclotron, sychrotron (including weak focusing, betatron oscillations, emittance).
- Thomas cyclotron, edge focusing, radial-sector cyclotron, strong focusing, spiral-sector cyclotron, AG synchrotron, separated-function design, storage rings, colliders, light sources.
- Linear optics: thin lenses, dipoles (+gradient, +edges), quadrupoles, solenoids, accelerating gaps, einzel lenses.
- Periodic lattices: beta-functions, matrix properties, F0D0, etc.
- Modern cyclotrons: compact, ring, multi-stage, superconducting; FFAGs, scaling and non-scaling.
- Longitudinal dynamics; off-momentum orbits in synchrotrons, acceleration, phase stability.
- Phase stability in linacs, microtrons, SCs and FFAGs; gymnastics, bunching.
Electron Injectors |
- The physics of space-charge dominated beams, emittance compensation, injector designs.
- Technology of electron sources: thermionic, photoinjectors, DC, RF, SRF guns
RF Acceleration and Beam Loading |
- RF cavities for acceleration, pill-box cavity, accelerating voltage, peak surface fields; Figures of merit: power dissipation and quality factor, shunt impedance
- Mode excitation: Fundamental theorem of beam loading, monopole mode excitation by a bunch and by a train of bunches, cryogenic losses, dipole mode excitation.
- Coupling power to the beam: the equivalent circuit, beam loading, resonant operation, non-synchronous operation, circuit model with beam loading.
Superconducting RF |
- Superconductivity fundamentals: the free electron model, classical and quantum mechanical descriptions, superconductivity; electrical properties, DC and RF resistance.
- Electrodynamics of normal and superconductors: skin depth and surface resistance of normal conductors; anomalous skin effect, perfect conductors; Meissner effect; surface impedance of superconductors in the two-fluid model; BCS treatment of surface resistance.
- Multipacting, thermal breakdown, field emission, the quest for high gradient.
- RF control and frequency issues: microphonics, Lorentz force detuning and ponderomotive oscillations, tuners, RF phase and amplitude stability requirements, RF control and feedback, Qext optimization in SRF cavities.
Beam Dynamics |
- Wake fields and impedances.
- Instabilities in linacs: Beam energy spread, beam breakup.
- Instabilities in storage rings: Longitudinal and transverse instabilities of unbunched beams, single bunch, and multiple bunches.
- Instabilities in recirculating linacs: Multi-bunch, multipass beam breakup.
- The Vlasov treatment.
- Radiation from relativistic electrons; undulators.
Applications of Electron Accelerators |
- Linacs: TRIUMF e-linac, ILC, Linac-based Free Electron Lasers (FELs): LCLS and European X-FEL.
- Storage rings: Canadian Light Source, B-Factories: PEP-II and KEKB.
- Recirculating and Energy recovery linacs: CEBAF, ERL-based FELs, ERL-based light source designs, electron-ion colliders: HERA, eRHIC, ELIC, LHeC.