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Employee Assistant Program (EAP)

A Program Of Confidential, Personal Counselling Services For TRIUMF Employees & Family Members

Confidential health and well-being counselling services through the TRIUMF EFAP is administered by HomeWood Health, and provides 5 hours per benefit year (May 1 - April 30) of free counseling each for the employee, spouse and dependents.   These hours are in addition to any clinical counselling provided my MSP or SunLife. 

Known as the Employee and Family Assistance Plan (EFAP), TRIUMF employees have the opportunity to seek professional counselling on a confidential basis for personal, psychological or work related issues.   These services also include Grief and Loss Coaching.


Should you have more specific questions, please feel free to contact Human Resources at any time.

What Is The Employee Assistance Program?

This program provides employees with confidential psychological assessment and counselling for a wide range of personal problems, including:

  • alcohol or drug dependency

  • marital or family problems

  • job or emotional stress

  • psychological problems

  • work related problems

  • life crisis or bereavement

The program also provides an opportunity to seek advice on legal, financial or elder/child care issues.

How Do I Benefit From This Program?

You now have a professional counsellor available to assist you with personal concerns when you need it. You do not have to wait until the problem reaches a critical point.

Whether you view the concerns as small or large, it is worth a call to an EAP counselor.


  • feel and work better

  • early problem resolution

  • improved relationships

  • successful stress management

  • confidentiality

Who Is Eligible?

The Employee Assistance Program is available to all employees and students of TRIUMF.

Who Provides The Counselling?

Assessment and counselling services are provided by a registered, doctoral level clinical psychologist associated with the firm of HOMEWOOD HEALTH. This group of independent

licensed professionals has extensive experience dealing with personal, psychological or emotional problems in a manner which respects the dignity of the individual.

What About Confidentiality?

All contacts with HOMEWOOD HEALTH are confidential. No information concerning your inquiries or services is shared with TRIUMF. Appointments are scheduled so that contact with other TRIUMF staff members is avoided.

How Does The Program Work?

You may contact HOMEWOOD HEALTH directly; just tell them you are covered under the TRIUMF program. During the first appointment, phone call, email exchange or online chat, your problem will be assessed and if counsellingisconsidered to be helpful, it will be provided by a staff psychologist to a maximum of five (5) one hour sessions. If joint counselling is recommended, the employees' spouse, domestic partner or dependent child (as defined by the Province) may attend. If you require longer term counselling, a referral to an appropriate treatment resource will be made with follow-up care by HOMEWOOD HEALTH. If you require financial planning advice for retirement purposes, legal advice, or information on elder or child care facilities, TRIUMF's EAP program will provide up to 1 hour with either a financial planner, lawyer, or elder/child care counsellor.

Where Do I Go?

The firm of HOMEWOOD HEALTH has office locations in many cities and locations that will be convenient to you. Offices are located throughout the lower mainland, the province of BC, and across Canada.


How Do I Make An Appointment?

To inquire or to make an appointment, please call the appropriate number below:

(604) 689-1717

Toll Free in Canada and the USA:

More contact information can be found by clicking on the HOMEWOOD HEALTH contact page.   HomeWeb - online Services

Counsellors are available for weekend or evening appointments if you so prefer, and emergency services are available 24 hours a day, year round.

For more information on the program, contact a member of the TRIUMF Human Resource department, or ask your EAP counselor at Human Solutions.

HOMEWOOD HEALTH is a corporate health & development service. Their head office is located at:

#500 - 1050 West Pender
Vancouver, BC
V6E 3S7